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GND: 100173594
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Years of publications: 1996 - 2002
The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Olivier Maillard
Alternative spellings: Oliverius Maillardus, Frater Oliverius Maillardus, Bruder Olivier Maillard, frère Oliverius Maillard Oliver Mailhart Olivier, Maillard Oliverius, Maillardus Oliverius Maillardi Oliverius, Maillardi Oliverius Maillardus
B:1430 D: 1502 Biblio: OFM; Franz. Theologe, Seelsorger und Reformer in hohen Ordensämtern; ab 1487 mehrfach Generalvikar der ultramontanen Observanten