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Publishing years



  1. Discussion paper series / IZA (104)
  2. IFPRI discussion paper (56)
  3. IZA Discussion Paper (44)
  4. NBER working paper series (40)
  5. Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (35)
  6. AGDI working paper (34)
  7. NBER Working Paper (33)
  8. Working paper / World Institute for Development Economics Research (33)
  9. World Bank E-Library Archive (28)
  10. CESifo working papers (27)
  11. Policy research working paper : WPS (26)
  12. Working paper (23)
  13. Discussion papers / CEPR (22)
  14. IMF working papers (22)
  15. IMF Working Paper (21)
  16. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (21)
  17. IDS working paper (19)
  18. OECD Social and Welfare Statistics (19)
  19. CESifo Working Paper (16)
  20. Working paper series (16)
  21. Serie mujer y desarrollo (15)
  22. United Nations publication (15)
  23. Working papers / The Levy Economics Institute (15)
  24. Discussion paper (14)
  25. SpringerLink / Bücher (14)
  26. Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (13)
  27. Working papers / National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (13)
  28. GLO discussion paper (13)
  29. IFPRI Discussion Paper (12)
  30. Policy Research Working Paper (12)
  31. Working paper / Center for Global Development (11)
  32. Discussion papers / Courant Research Centre "Poverty, Equity and Growth in Developing and Transition Countries: Statistical Methods and Empirical Analysis" (11)
  33. IZA Discussion Papers (10)
  34. IZA world of labor : evidence-based policy making (9)
  35. DIIS working paper (9)
  36. Discussion papers / Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (8)
  37. Working papers (8)
  38. OECD Economics Department working papers (8)
  39. LIS working paper series (7)
  40. Discussion paper / LSE Financial Markets Group (7)
  41. Employment working paper (7)
  42. OECD International Development Statistics (7)
  43. Discussion paper / NHH, Department of Economics (7)
  44. IFN working paper (6)
  45. Springer eBook Collection (6)
  46. TemaNord (6)
  47. Working papers / Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (6)
  48. Women in Development and Gender Study (6)
  49. Discussion papers / Statistics Norway, Research Department (6)
  50. SOEP papers on multidisciplinary panel data research / German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), DIW Berlin (6)
  51. Other papers (5)
  52. Occasional paper (5)
  53. Working papers in economics (5)
  54. Working paper / Overseas Development Institute (5)
  55. Faculty research working paper series / John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University (5)
  56. Occasional paper / United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (5)
  57. World Bank Group Gender Thematic Policy Notes Series: Evidence and Practice Note (5)
  58. Working Paper (5)
  59. Advances in religious and cultural studies (ARCS) book series (5)
  60. Western Political Science Association 2010 Annual Meeting Paper (5)
  61. PEP working paper series (5)
  62. Discussion paper series / Philippine Institute for Development Studies (5)
  63. Edward Elgar E-Book Archive (5)
  64. SCIS working paper (5)
  65. Working paper series / United Nations University, UNU-MERIT / United Nations University, UNU-MERIT (5)
  66. World Bank Group Gender Thematic Policy Notes Series (5)
  67. Working paper / Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex : WP (4)
  68. APSA 2010 Annual Meeting Paper (4)
  69. 7800 (4)
  70. WTO working papers (4)
  71. Working papers / Harvard Business School, Division of Research (4)
  72. CEB working paper / Université Libre de Bruxelles, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Centre Emile Bernheim (4)
  73. GlobalFood discussion papers (4)
  74. OECD Development Centre working papers (4)
  75. BREAD working paper (4)
  76. OECD development policy papers (4)
  77. Routledge UNRISD research in gender and development (4)
  78. IZA policy papers (4)
  79. Cowles Foundation discussion paper (4)
  80. IFN Working Paper (4)
  81. IMF staff discussion note (4)
  82. Serie documentos de trabajo sobre desarrollo (4)
  83. CAMA working paper series (4)
  84. Policy working paper (4)
  85. ECONtribute discussion paper (4)
  86. MPIDR working papers (4)
  87. Discussion paper series (4)
  88. AGDI Working Paper (4)
  89. Innocenti working paper (4)
  90. ERF working papers series (4)
  91. Gender in management : an international journal (4)
  92. ADB economics working paper series (4)
  93. Department of Economics working paper (4)
  94. Joint discussion paper series in economics : publ. by the Universities of Aachen, Gießen, Göttingen, Kassel, Marburg, Siegen (4)
  95. Dossier : une série de publications de l'Union syndicale suisse // Schweizerischer Gewerkschaftsbund : eine Publikationsreihe des Schweizerischen Gewerkschaftsbundes (4)
  96. EUI Department of Law Research Paper (3)
  97. Country Gender Assessment (3)
  98. Kom / Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften (3)
  99. DIW Berlin Discussion Paper (3)
  100. CSAE working paper / Centre for the Study of African Economies (3)
  101. HKS Working Paper (3)
  102. Routledge IAFFE advances in feminist economics (3)
  103. IZA Policy Paper (3)
  104. Comparative social research (3)
  105. Studies and perspectives (3)
  106. Discussion paper series / United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (3)
  107. APSA 2009 Toronto Meeting Paper (3)
  108. 2209 (3)
  109. ZEF discussion papers on development policy (3)
  110. Working paper series / University of Zurich, Department of Economics (3)
  111. Libros y documentos institucionales (3)
  112. Working papers / Inter-American Development Bank, Department of Research and Chief Economist (3)
  113. Working papers / Vienna Institute for Demography (3)
  114. Palgrave pivot (3)
  115. Working paper / PIIE, Peterson Institute for International Economics (3)
  116. NHH Dept. of Economics Discussion Paper (3)
  117. Research report (3)
  118. Human development research paper (3)
  119. IMF working paper (3)
  120. PhD series / Copenhagen Business School (3)
  121. Elgar original reference (3)
  122. IOB working papers (3)
  123. UNISA economic research working paper series (3)
  124. The international library of critical writings in economics (3)
  125. WIFO working papers (3)
  126. Carlo Alberto notebooks (3)
  127. Working papers / Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Department of Economics and Business (3)
  128. Global Monitoring Report (3)
  129. ROA research memorandum (3)
  130. Cowles Foundation Discussion Paper (3)
  131. Working paper / Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) (3)
  132. Policy Research Working Papers (3)
  133. Best Practices in Development Co-operation (2)
  134. Discussion paper series / Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University (2)
  135. MAGKS Joint Discussion Paper Series in Economics (2)
  136. Gender Equality at Work (2)
  137. Les avis du Conseil Économique, Social et Environnemental (2)
  138. Edition / Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (2)
  139. V-Dem Working Paper (2)
  140. JRC science for policy report (2)
  141. Discussion paper / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (2)
  142. Western Political Science Association 2011 Annual Meeting Paper (2)
  143. World Bank East Asia and Pacific regional report (2)
  144. A gender equality tool (2)
  145. Economics / Discussion papers : the open-access, open-assessment e-journal (2)
  146. Contributions to Management Science (2)
  147. Working papers / Foerder Institute for Economic Research (2)
  148. OECD Development Centre Policy Insights (2)
  149. Routledge frontiers of political economy (2)
  150. Discussion papers (2)
  151. EUROMOD working paper series (2)
  152. Critical perspectives on accounting : an international journal for social and organizational accountability (2)
  153. Barcelona GSE working paper series : working paper (2)
  154. Women and Sustainable Business (2)
  155. Economics and Statistics Administration Issue Brief (2)
  156. Working paper / WWWforEurope WelfareWealthWork (2)
  157. OxCarre research paper / Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies, Department of Economics, University of Oxford (2)
  158. Discussion papers in economics (2)
  159. Research paper (2)
  160. IZA-Forschungsgutachten (2)
  161. Arbeitspapier (2)
  162. Bulletin of comparative labour relations (2)
  163. Policy papers / BREAD (2)
  164. Independent Evaluation Group Studies (2)
  165. MENA Knowledge and Learning Quick Notes Series (2)
  166. Forschungsergebnisse der WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (2)
  167. Questioni di economia e finanza (2)
  168. Faculty research series / Holy Cross, Economics and Accounting (2)
  169. Economics of security working paper series (2)
  170. EUI working paper / RSC (2)
  171. Policy Research working paper (2)
  172. Africa Region Findings & (2)
  173. DIIS reports (2)
  174. Working paper / Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge (2)
  175. Directions in development / Human development (2)
  176. OECD Education Statistics (2)
  177. Public policy brief (2)
  178. Working paper / European Trade Union Institute (2)
  179. MENA development report (2)
  180. Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University working paper series (2)
  181. Libros de la CEPAL (2)
  182. Policy Papers (2)
  183. Materialien zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft : Working Paper-Reihe der AK Wien (2)
  184. U Iowa Legal Studies Research Paper (2)
  185. Edition Politik (2)
  186. Etudes et documents / Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches sur le Développement International (2)
  187. India gender equality results case study (2)
  188. Quick Guide (2)
  189. Research papers / United Nations University, World Institute for Development Economics Research (2)
  190. International journal of gender and entrepreneurship (2)
  191. Routledge studies in gender and economics (2)
  192. Development Research Working Paper Series (2)
  193. Principles of responsible management education (PRME) series (2)
  194. UC3M working papers (2)
  195. Levy Economics Institute, Working Papers Series (2)
  196. Working paper / Gujarat Institute of Development Research (2)
  197. Weltbevölkerungsbericht : Kurzfassung (2)
  198. West African papers (2)
  199. Routledge studies in gender and organizations (2)
  200. Policy Notes (2)
  201. Discussion papers / National Institute of Economic and Social Research (2)
  202. Advances in human and social aspects of technology (AHSAT) book series (2)
  203. AMS-Info (2)
  204. Serie asuntos de género (2)
  205. ADB Reports (2)
  206. Cambridge working papers in economics (2)
  207. Working papers / Department of Economics, Stockholms Universitet (2)
  208. IHS working paper (2)
  209. Beschäftigung & Soziales / Gleichbehandlung von Frauen und Männern (2)
  210. ILO working paper (2)
  211. IMF Working Papers (2)
  212. Working paper / Department of Economics, University of Cyprus (2)
  213. CEBI working paper series : working paper (2)
  214. IMF Staff Country Reports (2)
  215. ODI report (2)
  216. URPP Equality of Opportunity discussion paper series (2)
  217. Ruhr economic papers (2)
  218. SEO-rapport (2)
  219. Diskussionsbeiträge / Wilfried-Guth-Stiftungsprofessur für Ordnungs- und Wettbewerbspolitik (2)
  220. Documentos de trabajo / Centro de Estudios Distributivos, Laborales y Sociales (2)
  221. DEMB working paper series (2)
  222. Avis et rapports du Conseil Économique et Social (2)
  223. CESifo Working Paper Series (2)
  224. Series of ERUDITE working papers (2)
  225. Peterson Institute for International Economics Working Paper (2)
  226. Dondena working papers : working paper (2)
  227. Volkswirtschaftliche Diskussionsreihe (2)
  228. Contributions to conflict management, peace economics and development (2)
  229. IIM Bangalore Research Paper (2)
  230. BSE working paper : working papers (2)
  231. Working papers / Department of Economics, University of Utah (2)
  232. Palgrave Studies in Classical Liberalism (2)
  233. Beijing platform for action (2)
  234. Working paper / Department of Economics, Lund University (2)
  235. Working paper / Institute for Employment Studies (2)
  236. TTPI - working paper (2)
  237. EHES working papers in economic history (2)
  238. Working papers / TSE : WP (2)
  239. Warwick economic research papers (2)
  240. Working papers / Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (2)
  241. IDE discussion papers (2)
  242. The Cournot Centre for Economic Studies series (2)
  243. ZEF working paper series (2)
  244. IAB discussion paper : Beiträge zum wissenschaftlichen Dialog aus dem Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (2)
  245. Working paper / Department of Economics, Johannes-Kepler-Universität of Linz (2)
  246. Bank of Italy Occasional Paper (2)
  247. DISIA working paper (2)
  248. ILO Working Paper (1)
  249. EUI working paper / ECO (1)
  250. Discussion paper series / Harvard Institute of Economic Research (1)
  251. Osteuropa-Institut Regensburg Working Paper (1)
  252. Hume occasional paper (1)
  253. Euromed Marseille Working Paper (1)
  254. World Development Report (1)
  255. DICE Discussion Paper (1)
  256. KOF Working Papers (1)
  257. FEEM Working Paper (1)
  258. Research memorandum / GD / Groningen Growth and Development Centre (1)
  259. Working paper / Centre for Development Economics, Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics (1)
  260. Serie comercio internacional (1)
  261. Arbeiten aus dem Osteuropa-Institut Regensburg, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Abteilung (1)
  262. IDB Working Paper Series (1)
  263. Súborné publikáce (1)
  264. Serie estudios y perspectivas (1)
  265. HWWI research paper ... des HWWI-Kompetenzbereiches Hamburg und regionale Entwicklungen (1)
  266. Africa human development report (1)
  267. ERD working paper series (1)
  268. Advances in Organization Studies (1)
  269. FORBA-Forschungsbericht (1)
  270. Working papers / Institute for International Political Economy (1)
  271. Commonwealth Secretariat discussion paper (1)
  272. IAB-Discussion Paper (1)
  273. Occasional papers / International Monetary Fund (1)
  274. World Bank Studies (1)
  275. Discussion papers / Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, Abteilung Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Industrieller Wandel ; Abteilung Marktprozesse und Steuerung ; Arbeitsgruppe Institutionen, Staaten, Märkte ; Abteilung Wettbewerb und Innovation ; Abteilung Verhalten auf Märkten; Forschungsprofessur The Future of Fiscal Federalism ; Forschungs-Gruppe Wettbewerb und Innovation : Schwerpunkt II Märkte und Politik (1)
  276. Streamlined analysis ADePT (1)
  277. Politik und Geschlecht (1)
  278. Journal of international development : the journal of the Development Studies Association (1)
  279. Economía y sociedad (1)
  280. Rivista di politica economica (1)
  281. Research on economic inequality : a research annual (1)
  282. zu / schriften der Zeppelin Universität zwischen Wirtschaft, Kultur und Politik (1)
  283. Perspectives on gender (1)
  284. Journal of business ethics : JOBE (1)
  285. IMF Working Papers, Vol. , pp. 1-50, 2006 (1)
  286. Libri virides : das junge Forum (1)
  287. Equal Opportunities International - Volume 27, Edition 2 (1)
  288. Routledge studies in management, organizations and society (1)
  289. Employment & social affairs (1)
  290. Munk School of Global Affairs Working Papers Series (1)
  291. Understanding welfare : social issues, policy and practice (1)
  292. CASE Network Studies and Analyses (1)
  293. CASE network studies & analyses (1)
  294. Discussion papers / Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), Forschungsschwerpunkt Organisation und Wissen, Abteilung Innovation und Organisation (1)
  295. Archiv Betriebliche Vereinbarungen (1)
  296. Ifo Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsforschung (1)
  297. Equal Opportunities International - Volume 27, Edition 1 (1)
  298. IDB Working Paper (1)
  299. University of Pittsburgh Legal Studies Research Paper (1)
  300. Harvard Institute of Economic Research Discussion Paper (1)
  301. Lund studies in economics and management (1)
  302. EHES Working Paper (1)
  303. Elgaronline (1)
  304. ECONtribute Discussion Paper (1)
  305. U of Melbourne Legal Studies Research Paper (1)
  306. Collection Gestion en liberté (1)
  307. BWPI working paper (1)
  308. Labour & development (1)
  309. Regionale Entwicklungsstudien (1)
  310. Policy research / Status of Women Canada (1)
  311. Region sotrudničestva : naučnye doklady (1)
  312. Social Development Notes (1)
  313. Discussion paper / International Institute for Labour Studies (1)
  314. Palgrave Macmillan law masters focus (1)
  315. Öffentliche Verwaltung/Non-Profit Bereich / Gender Mainstreaming und Diversity Management (1)
  316. ANU College of Law Research Paper (1)
  317. Women, gender and work (1)
  318. The journal of development studies : JDS (1)
  319. Chancengleichheit in Wissenschaft und Forschung : ... Fortschreibung des Datenmaterials ... zu Frauen in Hochschulen und außerhochschulischen Forschungseinrichtungen (1)
  320. The Principles for Responsible Management Education Series (1)
  321. Routledge advances in management and business studies (1)
  322. Documento de trabajo / Fundación de Investigaciones Económicas Latinoamericanas (1)
  323. ETUI Working Paper 2011.04 (1)
  324. UNDP-HDRO Occasional Papers (1)
  325. Working paper / Austrian Center for Labor Economics and the Analysis of the Welfare State (1)
  326. PhD series / Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen (1)
  327. Working paper : economia pubblica : public economics (1)
  328. Beschäftigung & Soziales / Grundrechte & Bekämpfung von Diskriminierungen (1)
  329. The Retirement Project, Brief Series (1)
  330. ESA working paper (1)
  331. NBER Working Paper Series (1)
  332. Veröffentlichungen zum Steuerrecht (1)
  333. Finance, governance and sustainability / Challenges in theory and practice (1)
  334. Schriften des Europäischen Instituts für Sozioökonomie e.V. (1)
  335. Gender Equality Results Case Studies (1)
  336. Routledge studies in the European economy (1)
  337. Routledge handbooks (1)
  338. Results (1)
  339. BIS occasional paper series (1)
  340. Working papers / Institute of Economic Research SAS (1)
  341. AIAS working paper serie / Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies (1)
  342. Gender in a global/local world (1)
  343. Foundation focus / European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (1)
  344. Europa direkt / Dialog mit Bürgern und Unternehmen (1)
  345. Kulturelle Ökonomik (1)
  346. Advances in public interest accounting (1)
  347. EU-Nachrichten / Themenheft (1)
  348. Streamlined analysis with ADePT software (1)
  349. Discussion paper / WZB, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (1)
  350. Economic studies (1)
  351. Labour market dynamics research programme / Research report : LMD (1)
  352. U.S. history / economic history (1)
  353. World Bank Working Paper (1)
  354. Kulturni spomin (1)
  355. Praxis der Personalpsychologie : Human Resource Management kompakt (1)
  356. Rethinking globalizations (1)
  357. Routledge Research in Sport Business and Management (1)
  358. Arbeitsgesellschaft im Wandel (1)
  359. IIIS discussion paper series (1)
  360. Global COE Hi-Stat discussion paper series (1)
  361. Estudios y documentos / Instituto Centroamericano de Prospectiva e Investigación, ICAPI (1)
  362. HWR Berlin Forschung : eine Veröffentlichung der Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin (1)
  363. Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Oslo (1)
  364. ISEAS working papers (1)
  365. Directions in development / Private sector development (1)
  366. Colección Ciencia (1)
  367. Trends Shaping Education Spotlights (1)
  368. Diskussionsbeiträge des IAI (1)
  369. Betriebswirtschaftliche Diskussionsbeiträge (1)
  370. Harvard Business School Entrepreneurial Management Working Paper (1)
  371. Democracy, governance and human rights : programme paper (1)
  372. Lavoro e società (1)
  373. IRPA Research Paper (1)
  374. ZEF- Discussion Papers on Development Policy (1)
  375. IEG Fast Track Brief (1)
  376. PREM Notes (1)
  377. Directions in development;human development (1)
  378. Law, ethics and economics (1)
  379. Collana di politiche del lavoro / 1 (1)
  380. Beschäftigung & Soziales / Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern (1)
  381. Collection Repères (1)
  382. Cuadernos de la CEPAL / Spanische Ausgabe (1)
  383. IDS companions to development (1)
  384. World Bank East Asia and Pacific Regional Report (1)
  385. Reconfiguring American Political History Ser (1)
  386. Advances in organization studies (1)
  387. Studies in Labour History (1)
  388. Discussion paper / World Institute for Development Economics Research (1)
  389. High level conference report (1)
  390. Statistics / OECD (1)
  391. Beiträge des Fachbereichs Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Osnabrück (1)
  392. Arbejdspapirer fra Institut for Økonomi, Politik og Forvaltning / Aalborg Universitet (1)
  393. Working paper series / Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy (1)
  394. World societies in transition series (1)
  395. Gender studies (1)
  396. Demokratie im 21. Jahrhundert (1)
  397. Schriften des Instituts für Unternehmensführung der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (1)
  398. Etudes africaines (1)
  399. CONSOB Working Paper (1)
  400. Logiques sociales (1)
  401. WISO Diskurs / Expertisen und Dokumentationen zur Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik (1)
  402. Working papers / Rodney L. White Center for Financial Research (1)
  403. IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-28, 1995 (1)
  404. IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-32, 2003 (1)
  405. Elgar research reviews in economics (1)
  406. International library of critical writings in economics (1)
  407. Open discussion papers in economics (1)
  408. Routledge Siena studies in political economy (1)
  409. Wiener Vorlesungen im Rathaus (1)
  410. Research report / Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (1)
  411. Social policy in a development context (1)
  412. Discussion papers in economics / Center for Economic Analysis, Department of Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder : Working paper (1)
  413. Legislative study (1)
  414. Social Policy in a Development Context (1)
  415. Münchener Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Beiträge : VWL ; discussion papers (1)
  416. Entscheidungs- und Organisationstheorie (1)
  417. Veröffentlichung des Referats für Arbeit und Wirtschaft / Landeshauptstadt München (1)
  418. SSE EFI working paper series in economics and finance (1)
  419. Public policy and social welfare (1)
  420. DHS comparative reports (1)
  421. Serie recursos naturales y desarrollo (1)
  422. DIIS Working Paper (1)
  423. Research memorandum / METEOR, Universiteit Maastricht, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (1)
  424. IEG study series (1)
  425. Routledge/RIPE series in global political economy (1)
  426. Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper (1)
  427. IDOS Discussion Paper (1)
  428. Preprints of the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods (1)
  429. GLO Discussion Paper (1)
  430. Serie manuales / Naciones Unidas, CEPAL (1)
  431. Dissertation (1)
  432. Acta Universitatis Oeconomicae Helsingiensis / A (1)
  433. Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) Knowledge Briefs (1)
  434. WZB discussion paper : Forschungsschwerpunkt Gesellschaft und Wirtschaftliche Dynamik (1)
  435. Forschung aus der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (1)
  436. Angewandte Genderforschung (1)
  437. Thünen working paper (1)
  438. Thünen Working Paper (1)
  439. INEF policy brief (1)
  440. International Papers in Political Economy (1)
  441. Economics (1)
  442. Oxford India paperbacks (1)
  443. Oñati international series in law and society (1)
  444. Diskussionspapier / Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Hochschule Mittweida (FH) - University of Applied Sciences (1)
  445. Globalization and welfare (1)
  446. International papers in political economy series (1)
  447. World Bank study (1)
  448. Politics and Society in Modern America Ser. (1)
  449. Broadening perspectives in social policy (1)
  450. India and Asia in the global economy (1)
  451. Holzmindener Schriften zur sozialen Arbeit "Sozial Denken und Handeln" (1)
  452. Dialogue on globalization / Occasional papers (1)
  453. Sida studies (1)
  454. The international library of critical writings on business and management (1)
  455. Routledge/UNRISD research in gender and development (1)
  456. ILE Working Paper Series (1)
  457. UNRISD research and policy brief (1)
  458. CSGR working paper / Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation (1)
  459. Meddelanden från Ekonomisk-Statsvetenskapliga Fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi (1)
  460. Forschungsprogramm Kulturlandschaft (1)
  461. World development report (1)
  462. Discussion papers / International Institute for Labour Studies (1)
  463. Policy-Forschung und vergleichende Regierungslehre (1)
  464. Arbeitswelt : Publikationen aus d. Nationalen Forschungsprogramm "Arbeitswelt" (1)
  465. Discussion papers / Helsinki Center of Economic Research : discussion paper (1)
  466. Employment & social affairs / Equality between women and men (1)
  467. BFS aktuell / 20, Wirtschaftliche und soziale Situation der Bevölkerung (1)
  468. Global economics paper (1)
  469. Canadian journal of development studies (1)
  470. Kommunalpolitische Schriftenreihe (1)
  471. Básicos de derecho social (1)
  472. Global culture and sport (1)
  473. International policy analysis (1)
  474. Discussion paper / The University of Western Australia, Business School, Economics (1)
  475. CPD SACEPS monograph series (1)
  476. Forum Hochschule (1)
  477. CentER Discussion Paper Series (1)
  478. Africa Now (1)
  479. Discussion paper / Monash University, Department of Economics (1)
  480. Schriftenreihe Schriften zur Arbeits-, Betriebs- und Organisationspsychologie (1)
  481. An Elgar reference collection (1)
  482. Eastern African series (1)
  483. Working paper / Cambodia Development Resource Institute (1)
  484. Suhrkamp-Taschenbuch Wissenschaft (1)
  485. Critical perspectives on business and management (1)
  486. IHS Working Paper (1)
  487. Research on economic inequality 1049-2585 v. 16 (1)
  488. Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Econpubblica Centre for Research on the Public Sector, Working Paper (1)
  489. İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi yayınları (1)
  490. The changing academy - the changing academic profession in international comparative perspective (1)
  491. Working Papers of the Institute of Management Berlin at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin) (1)
  492. BMZ-Materialien (1)
  493. Global monitoring report (1)
  494. Working paper / International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth (1)
  495. Statistik der Schweiz / 15, Bildung und Wissenschaft (1)
  496. CREB Working Paper (1)
  497. The MIT Press Ser. (1)
  498. OECD working papers on finance, insurance and private pensions (1)
  499. Gower applied research (1)
  500. Applied Econometrics Association series (1)
  501. Applied Econometrics Association Series (1)
  502. Report / International Labour Conference (1)
  503. Reihe Uni-Studien Politik (1)
  504. Gender in management (1)
  505. A World Bank policy research report (1)
  506. Japan labor review (1)
  507. Colección "La hora de la igualdad" (1)
  508. IFF-Forschungsreihe (1)
  509. The World Bank research observer (1)
  510. Progress of the world's women (1)
  511. Betrifft: Bürgergesellschaft (1)
  512. MPIFG discussion paper (1)
  513. Routledge studies in development economics (1)
  514. WISO direkt (1)
  515. Discussion papers / Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (1)
  516. Advances in gender research (1)
  517. OECD social, employment and migration working papers (1)
  518. World survey on the role of women in development (1)
  519. CEPS working document (1)
  520. CREB working paper (1)
  521. Arbeitspapier / Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre, Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Johannes-Kepler-Universität, Linz, (1)
  522. Levy Economics Institute Working Paper (1)
  523. Justice (1)
  524. International policy exchange series (1)
  525. Working paper / Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department (1)
  526. Documento de trabajo / FEDEA (1)
  527. Arab women and development series (1)
  528. IWH Discussion Papers (1)
  529. Serie estudios estadísticos y prospectivos (1)
  530. International journal of innovation and sustainable development : IJISD (1)
  531. Discussion paper / Center for Economic Research, Tilburg University (1)
  532. DIW Discussion Papers (1)
  533. Current African issues (1)
  534. Minor field study series (1)
  535. OECD Development Centre Working Papers (1)
  536. Directions in development. Human development (1)
  537. Pacific Trade and Development Conference series (PAFTAD) (1)
  538. Advances in finance, accounting, and economics (AFAE) book series (1)
  539. Asian Review of Social Sciences, Vol.8 (1)
  540. Review of corporate finance (1)
  541. Journal of globalization and development (1)
  542. Cambridge elements. Elements in the economics of emerging markets (1)
  543. Documentos de trabajo / dECON, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de la República : documento (1)
  544. Working papers / Economics Department, Georgetown University (1)
  545. Asset study (1)
  546. GMU Working Paper in Economics (1)
  547. South Asia Agriculture and Rural Growth Discussion Note Series, Policy Reform for Agricultural Transformation, February 2021 (1)
  548. Discussion paper series / University of Heidelberg, Department of Economics (1)
  549. Working paper series : paper ... (1)
  550. Telecommunications Policy, 44(4), 101900 (May, 2020) (1)
  551. Working papers / Florida International University, Department of Economics (1)
  552. Centre for Banking Research working paper series (1)
  553. Centre for Land Tenure Studies report (1)
  554. Discussion paper / Institut de Recherches Économiques et Sociales de l'Université Catholique de Louvain (1)
  555. Routledge Studies in Gender and Economics (1)
  556. Research handbooks in business and management series (1)
  557. International Marketing and Management Research (1)
  558. This paper has been published in two parts by Economic and Political Weekly (1)
  559. Stevens Institute of Technology School of Business Research Paper (1)
  560. Regional initiative for promoting small-scale renewable energy applications in rural areas of the Arab Region (1)
  561. Index Asia briefing (1)
  562. African Governance and Development Institute WP/22/027 (1)
  563. JICA Ogata Research Institute working paper (1)
  564. One year in review (1)
  565. WIDER annual lecture (1)
  566. IWMI working papers (1)
  567. Hazan, Moshe, David Weiss, and Hosny Zoabi. "Women's Liberation, Household Revolution", CEPR DP 16838, December 2021 (1)
  568. Working papers sustainability and innovation (1)
  569. 38454 (1)
  570. Borradores de economía (1)
  571. Other ESW Reports (1)
  572. International handbooks on gender series (1)
  573. 2190 (1)
  574. Series gender affairs (1)
  575. Research papers in economics (1)
  576. World Bank Gender Thematic Policy Notes Series (1)
  577. Tax and Transfer Policy Institute - Working Paper 9/2020 (1)
  578. Passauer Diskussionspapiere : Diskussionsbeitrag ... (1)
  579. Policy note (1)
  580. Sustainable Development, 28(1), pp. 132-142 (January/February 2020) (1)
  581. Discussion paper / University of Bristol, Department of Economics (1)
  582. r02 (1)
  583. Covid Economics, Issue (1)
  584. Levy Economics Institute, Working Papers Series 920 (2019) (1)
  585. Robert H. Smith School Research Paper (1)
  586. Arbeitsrechtliche Schriften (1)
  587. International Review of Applied Economics, 34(1), pp. 94-114 (January, 2020) (1)
  588. Copenhagen Business School, CBS LAW Research Paper (1)
  589. Ross School of Business Paper (1)
  590. Denis and Lenora Foretia Foundation (1)
  591. Responsible Leadership and Sustainable Management (1)
  592. Cahiers de recherche / Département de science Economique, Faculté des Sciences Sociales, Université d'Ottawa (1)
  593. BestMasters (1)
  594. Economic Updates and Modeling (1)
  595. OECD Education Policy Perspectives (1)
  596. OECD Economics Department Working Papers (1)
  597. Women of stem: innovation and leadership series (1)
  598. WZB Discussion Paper (1)
  599. Other Environmental Study (1)
  600. OECD Corporate Governance Working Papers (1)
  601. Tuck School of Business working paper / Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth (1)
  602. Ross School of Business working paper series (1)
  603. UCD Working Papers in Law, Criminology & Socio-Legal Studies Research Paper (1)
  604. Nordregio report (1)
  605. Economic issues (1)
  606. Global Poverty Research Lab Working Paper (1)
  607. Banco de Espana Working Paper (1)
  608. UNCTAD research paper (1)
  609. Routledge focus on business and management (1)
  610. GLOCON working paper series (1)
  611. Nord (1)
  612. UNECE-UN women series (1)
  613. Study (1)
  614. Social Institutions and Gender Index (1)
  615. Promoting social cohesion and convergence (1)
  616. KDI School of Pub Policy & Management Paper (1)
  617. Tang, C.S., Innovative Technology and Operations for Alleviating Poverty through Women’s Economic Empowerment, Production and Operations Management (1)
  618. Griffith Law Review (1)
  619. Feminist Digital Justice Issue Paper (1)
  620. Working papers : a series of short papers on regional research and indicators produced by the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy : WP (1)
  621. World review of entrepreneurship, management and sustainable development (1)
  622. Sustainable Development Goals Series (1)
  623. WSI-Report (1)
  624. Diskussionspapier / Centrum für Interdisziplinäre Wirtschaftsforschung (1)
  625. Yale University Economic Growth Center Discussion Paper (1)
  626. Series in Feminist Evalu Ation-3 (1)
  627. ODI working paper (1)
  628. Faculty & research / Insead : working paper series (1)
  629. KOF working papers (1)
  630. Bozen economics & management paper series : BEMPS (1)
  631. SIDREA Series in Accounting and Business Administration (1)
  632. Employment situation in Latin America and the Caribbean : ECLAC ILO bulletin (1)
  633. Documentos de Organos Subsidiarios (1)
  634. IED working papers (1)
  635. Serie políticas sociales (1)
  636. I4R discussion paper series (1)
  637. Schriftenreihe Studien zur Rechtswissenschaft (1)
  638. Working paper / CIRIEC (1)
  639. Policy paper / United Nations Development Programme, Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific (1)
  640. IOS working papers (1)
  641. Series in Feminist Evaluation-2 (1)
  642. Research handbooks in business and management (1)
  643. Independent expert report (1)
  644. Women and progress report (1)
  645. European economy (1)
  646. Documentos de trabajo Banco Central de Chile (1)
  647. University of Lüneburg Working paper series in economics (1)
  648. LEM working paper series (1)
  649. United Nations publications (1)
  650. KEIO-IES discussion paper series (1)
  651. IWH-Diskussionspapiere (1)
  652. SWP comment (1)
  653. Seminari e convegni (1)
  654. African economic history working paper series (1)
  655. NLI research studies series (1)
  656. Working papers / ADB Institute (1)
  657. IDOS discussion paper (1)
  658. TTPI - Working Paper (1)
  659. Gender social norms index (1)
  660. University of Chicago, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics Working Paper (1)
  661. ILE working paper series (1)
  662. Gender Thematic Policy Notes Series: Issues and Practice Note (1)
  663. Gender Thematic Policy Notes (1)
  664. Discussion paper / Tinbergen Institute (1)
  665. Documento de trabajo de la OIT (1)
  666. Document de travail de l'OIT (1)
  667. Working paper / IGC (1)
  668. IMF country report (1)
  669. kcFed research working papers (1)
  670. Documentos de trabajo / Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada (1)
  671. CSD working paper series (1)
  672. ifso working paper (1)
  673. Bocconi Legal Studies Research Paper (1)
  674. ASPROWORDA Working Paper 003/22 (1)
  675. Family businesses on a mission (1)
  676. Diversity and Inclusion Research (1)
  677. Palgrave Studies in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenization in Business (1)
  678. Documento de trabajo (1)
  679. CefES paper series (1)
  680. Gender in law, culture, and society (1)
  681. Working paper / Department of Economics, Copenhagen Business School (1)
  682. The Papers of the International Association of Hyperpolyglots (HYPIA) (1)
  683. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions (1)
  684. Documentos de trabajo / Banco de España (1)
  685. Diskussionspapier des Instituts für Organisationsökonomik : [DP-IO] (1)
  686. European Xtramile Centre of African Studies WP/21/097 (1)
  687. Proceedings of the The 2nd ICS Universitas Mataram International Conference: Countering Radicalism & Terrorism in the Digital Era - Reshaping a Global Peace Community (1)
  688. Bank of England Working Paper (1)
  689. India Studies in Business and Economics (1)
  690. ERIA discussion paper series (1)
  691. European Corporate Governance Institute – Finance Working Paper (1)
  692. Lund studies in economic history (1)
  693. European Xtramile Centre of African Studies WP/22/063 (1)
  694. Department of Economics working paper series (1)
  695. Senja, O. (2021). Gender and Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities. HAPSc Policy Briefs Series (1)
  696. Vision for an Inclusive Society, Centre for Women's Studies, Bangalore University, 2018 (1)
  697. Global Indicators Briefs (1)
  698. Lund papers in economic history (1)
  699. Working papers / Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (1)
  700. DICE discussion paper (1)
  701. International journal of labour research (1)
  702. CEDEX discussion paper series (1)
  703. Coediciones (1)
  704. Population Center Working Papers (PSC/PARC) (1)
  705. NES working paper series : working paper (1)
  706. EIEF working paper (1)
  707. Discussion papers in economic and social history (1)
  708. Gammage, Sarah, Shareen Joshi, and Yana Rodgers. “The Intersections of Women’s Economic and Reproductive Empowerment,” Feminist Economics (1)
  709. European economy / Economic briefs (1)
  710. Europa (1)
  711. SMU Economics & Statistics Working Paper (1)
  712. Cardiff economics working papers (1)
  713. Papers in Regional Science (1)
  714. EAI working paper (1)
  715. Hexagon series on human and environmental security and peace (1)
  716. William Davidson Institute working papers series (1)
  717. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Research Paper (1)
  718. William Davidson Institute Working Paper (1)
  719. Gender, Development and Social Change (1)
  720. Working paper series / Charles University, Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education ; Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Economics Institute, CERGE-EI (1)
  721. Discussion paper / University of the Philippines, School of Economics (1)
  722. ASA 2018 Annual Meeting Paper (1)
  723. Working paper / Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative (1)
  724. Feminism in the Subcontinent and Beyond: Challenging Laws, Changing Laws (Jaya Sagade, Vedna Jivan, Christine Forster eds., 2014) (1)
  725. Dutta, M. (2018), "Globalisation, Corruption and Women Empowerment", ECONOMIC PAPERS (1)
  726. Gender, development and social change (1)
  727. Progress in Development Studies 2(4):269-82 (2002) (1)
  728. Levy Economics Institute at Bard College Working Paper (1)
  729. SAFE white paper (1)
  730. OECD journal on budgeting (1)
  731. Studien zur Geschichte der Europäischen Integration : (SGEI) (1)
  732. Discussion papers / Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow (1)
  733. ETUI Research Paper Working Paper 2016.01 (1)
  734. CAMA Working Paper (1)
  735. RIETI discussion paper (1)
  736. Essä (1)
  737. CERT (1)
  738. German and European studies of the Willy Brandt Center at the Wroclaw University (1)
  739. University of Tübingen working papers in economics and finance (1)
  740. Insight report (1)
  741. Routledge Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality (1)
  742. Work, organization, and employment (1)
  743. Women and sustainable business (1)
  744. Transnational corporations : investment and development (1)
  745. WINPEC working paper series (1)
  746. European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) - Finance Working Paper (1)
  747. Work, Organization, and Employment (1)
  748. Humanistic Management Network, Research Paper Series (1)
  749. OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19) (1)
  750. Malmö studies in sport sciences (1)
  751. Routledge Studies in Labour Economics Ser (1)
  752. Global Development Institute working paper series (1)
  753. Working papers / Center on Japanese Economy and Business (1)
  754. Boletín de estudios fiscales (1)
  755. Documentos de politica (1)
  756. SERIES Working Papers N. 05/2015 (1)
  757. Asian Development Bank Economics Working Paper Series (1)
  758. KU Leuven Discussion Paper Series DPS14.21 (1)
  759. CESifo economic studies : CESifo, a joint initiative of the University of Munich's Center for Economic Studies and the Ifo Institute (1)
  760. Gender and politics (1)
  761. Studies in comparative international development (1)
  762. Cross cultural & strategic management (1)
  763. CORE discussion papers : DP (1)
  764. Conditions of work and employment series (1)
  765. Cege discussion paper (1)
  766. LEQS Paper (1)
  767. cege Discussion Papers (1)
  768. Development economics and policy (1)
  769. International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Onati (1)
  770. Higher School of Economics Research Paper (1)
  771. CLPE Research Paper (1)
  772. APSA 2014 Annual Meeting Paper (1)
  773. Gender series (1)
  774. Quaderni - working paper DSE / Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, Department of Economics (1)
  775. GSBE research memoranda (1)
  776. IFPRI Discussion Paper 01294 (1)
  777. PRME book series - for responsibility in management education / Greenleaf Publishing (1)
  778. IFC Smart Lessons Brief (1)
  779. Chicago Booth Research Paper (1)
  780. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion : an International Journal (1)
  781. Live Wire, 2015/40 (1)
  782. Bangladesh Development Research Working Paper Series BDRWPS 23 (1)
  783. Economic premise (1)
  784. Africa in development (1)
  785. Opinie i diagnozy (1)
  786. HBR's 10 must reads series (1)
  787. Research (1)
  788. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: an International Journal (1)
  789. Advances in educational marketing, administration, and leadership (AEMAL) book series (1)
  790. en breve (1)
  791. Springer eBooks / Business and Management (1)
  792. Springer eBooks / Economics and Finance (1)
  793. Tinbergen Institute research series (1)
  794. UNU-MERIT Working Paper (1)
  795. Economics discussion papers (1)
  796. Feminismos (1)
  797. ZeS-Arbeitspapier / Zentrum für Sozialpolitik, Universität Bremen (1)
  798. Economic Premise (1)
  799. Other Infrastructure Study (1)
  800. ZEW discussion papers (1)
  801. Policy paper (1)
  802. Trending topics book series (TTBS) book series (1)
  803. CID faculty working paper (1)
  804. GRIPS discussion papers (1)
  805. Arab gender gap report (1)
  806. University of Zurich, Department of Economics, Working Paper (1)
  807. Economics / Journal articles : the open-access, open-assessment journal (1)
  808. Collection "Le sens social" (1)
  809. Country Financial Accountability Assessment (1)
  810. CPR South 2018, Policy Brief (1)
  811. West African Papers (1)
  812. Future of Business and Finance (1)
  813. Women and progress (1)
  814. JRC technical reports (1)
  815. Tax and Transfer Policy Institute - Working paper 1/2019 (1)
  816. Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology and Management (SUSCOM), Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur - India, February 26-28, 2019 (1)
  817. ECON PhD dissertations (1)
  818. Humanistic Management Association, Research Paper Series (1)
  819. Publicación de las Naciones Unidas (1)
  820. Oxford review of economic policy (1)
  821. Premier reference source (1)
  822. Policy in focus (1)
  823. Principles for responsible management series (1)
  824. Pacific trade and development conference series (1)
  825. New Zealand Treasury working paper (1)
  826. The Japanese political economy (1)
  827. Working paper / National Bank of Belgium / National Bank of Belgium (1)
  828. Working conditions / Eurofound (1)
  829. Quaderni - Working Paper DSE N° 1149, 2020 (1)
  830. Research series / the Economic and Social Research Institute (1)
  831. Arbeitspapier themenübergreifend (1)
  832. National human development report ...: Moldova (1)
  833. Serie Estudios y perspectivas (1)
  834. Center for Global Development Working Paper (1)
  835. Review of international political economy (1)
  836. Staff paper series / Agricultural and Applied Economics (1)
  837. The Nordic world (1)
  838. Budapest working papers on the labour market : BWP (1)
  839. ESID Working Paper (1)
  840. Working paper series / Center for Economic Institutions, Institute for Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University (1)
  841. OECD Public Governance Policy Papers (1)
  842. Melbourne Institute working paper series (1)
  843. The principles for responsible management education series (1)
  844. Sydney Law School Research Paper (1)
  845. Kelley School of Business Research Paper (1)
  846. Corporate Board: Role, Duties & Composition (1)
  847. CASE working papers (1)
  848. Emerald insight (1)
  849. Atenea (1)
  850. Communicating responsible diversity, equity, and inclusion (1)
  851. Serie Savia (1)
  852. Avenir Debatte (1)
  853. Mu̐helytanulmányok / Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Közgazdaságtudományi Intézet (1)
  854. CERGE-EI Working Paper Series (1)
  855. Rapport till Expertgruppen för Studier i Offentlig Ekonomi (1)
  856. Tax and Transfer Policy Institute - Working Paper 5/2016 (1)
  857. Education, poverty and international development series (1)
  858. Advances in Japanese business and economics (1)
  859. Advances in Japanese Business and Economics (1)
  860. RRC working paper series (1)
  861. University of Central Asia – Institute of Public Policy and Administration (IPPA) Working Paper (1)
  862. Economic Research Forum, Nov. 2014, Working Paper 867 (1)
  863. PIDE working papers (1)
  864. Ruhr Economic Paper (1)
  865. Studies and Perspectives Series – The Caribbean (1)
  866. Center for Research in Economics and Finance (CIEF), Working Papers (1)
  867. Working paper / Institut für Mittelstandsforschung (1)
  868. Cornell Legal Studies Research Paper (1)
  869. CASE reports (1)
  870. Palgrave studies in classical liberalism (1)
  871. Graz economics papers : GEP (1)
  872. IW-Report (1)
  873. University of Bamberg demographic discussion papers (1)
  874. Document de travail (1)
  875. Manuales de la CEPAL (1)
  876. Delovni zvezki (1)
  877. International trade working paper (1)
  878. Advances in medical education, research, and ethics (AMERE) book series (1)
  879. Working papers / Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (1)
  880. artec-Paper (1)
  881. Oslo Business School working paper (1)
  882. QUCEH working paper series (1)
  883. Dissertations in economics (1)
  884. SECO/WTI Academic Cooperation Project Working Paper Series 2017/24 (1)
  885. PEP working paper serie (1)
  886. Oxford scholarship online / Economics and Finance (1)
  887. British Academy occasional paper (1)