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Born, Benjamin Müller, Gernot J. D'Ascanio, Francesco Wellmann, Susanne Peter, Alexandra Ascanio, Francesco D Fernández-Villaverde, Jesús Guerrón-Quintana, Pablo A. Rubio-Ramírez, Juan Francisco Uribe, Martín All co-authors model shocks business policy economies spreads rate cycle exchange advanced fiscal data emerging time shock schock schätzung estimation finanzpolitik konjunktur markups spending new wage fluctuations government effects schwellenländer real country keynesian evidence risk small series yield risiko länderrisiko industrieländer risikoprämie channel fixed rates role economic increase aggregate times spread lohnrigidität zinsstruktur wirkungsanalyse cycles matters explaining nominal transmission precautionary consistent quarterly views cuts sovereign conditions
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Johannes Pfeifer Biblio: Universität Köln, Germany
Profession Economist
Affiliations Deutschland. Universität München (Bundesrepublik) Universität Mannheim Bonn Graduate School of Economics Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Publishing years Series CESifo working papers (5) CESifo Working Paper Series (3) Discussion papers / CEPR (3) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (3) CESifo Working Paper (2) SAFE working paper (2) Ifo working papers (1) University of Tübingen working papers in business and economics (1) Bonn Econ Discussion Papers / BGSE (1)