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Oechssler, Joerg Schipper, Burkhard Eife, Thomas A. Becker, Christoph Vadovič, Radovan Glas, Alexander Dominiak, Adam Müller, Julia Servátka, Maroš Kolb, Albert Bauernschuster, Stefan Kolb, Albert Roth, Benjamin Römer, Daniel Lambrecht, Marco Lefort, Jean-Philippe Servátka, Maros Müller-Seeger, Julia Müller, Julia All co-authors games experiment subjects player symmetric game zero sick pay sum scale response payoff paper price results potential experimental beaten higher class point competition pure relative play unbeatable strategy imitate rock scissors spieltheorie lernprozess forecasts provision algorithms standard whether effort probabilistic inflation ellsberg prisoner dilemma best finite labor second simple rule examples common surveys environment leads provide apply coordination subject exact pool minimum using learn computers preferences market saddle respondents probability responses different duopoly interesting cournot public goods resource sufficient duopol scales households neutral tit consistency question beliefs including process strategic teaching stable conditions quasiconcave existence population workers gefangenendilemma imitationsstrategie expectations skill chance rage machines uncertain central intervals design frequently allows differences positive firms punish better generalized lohnfortzahlung austauschtheorie density engelberg varying widths outcomes risky use ranges
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Peter Dürsch Dr. Alternative spellings: Peter Duersch Biblio: Dissertation Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften an der Universität Heidelberg (2011) ; Alfred-Weber-Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Universität Heidelberg
Affiliations Universität Mannheim. Institut für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik
Publishing years Series Discussion paper series / University of Heidelberg, Department of Economics (15) Working papers / Department of Economics (7) Sonderforschungsbereich 504, Rationalitätskonzepte, Entscheidungsverhalten und Ökonomische Modellierung (6) AWI discussion paper series (4) FAU discussion papers in economics (2) Discussion paper / Tinbergen Institute (2) Discussion paper (1) Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper 14-063/I (1) Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper (1) Working paper (1) Jena economics research papers (1) Discussion papers / Governance and the Efficiency of Economic Systems (1) Bonn Econ Discussion Papers / BGSE (1)