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Picot, Arnold Grove, Nico Florio, Massimo Syrmoudis, Emmanuel Watson, Richard T. Nagel, Esther Grossklags, Jens Mayr, Susanne Schumann, Matthias Bajar, Sumedha Römer, Benedikt Reichhart, Philipp Aguirre, Julio C Athias, Laure Bailey, Stephen J Totzek, Dirk Bhattacharyay, Biswa N Hilpert, Hendrik Boffa, Federico Wunderlich, Philipp Kolbe, Lutz Koo, Chulmo Boudreau, Marie-Claude Noam, Eli M. Pupillo, Lorenzo Maria Roemer, Benedikt Kuebler-Wachendorff, Sophie Yu, Yŏng-jin Lacity, Mary Cecelia Mager, Stefan A. Luzsa, Robert Luzsa, Robert Kübler-Wachendorf, Sophie Sunyaev, Ali Kannengießer, Niclas Beck, Roman Treiblmaier, Horst Fridgen, Gilbert Ixmeier, Anne Spankowski, Ulli Luckow, André Cooper, Vanessa A. Mathew, Saji K. Nagel, Esther Marie Fiedler, Marina Seidler, Anna-Raissa Strunk, Kim Simon Veit, Daniel J. All co-authors smart grids energy electricity grid infrastructure new information public broadband end study research metering technology field provisioning networks ami meter decentralized diffusion private infrastructures token blockchain benefits economic level playing low economics changing role state challenges adoption case sector studies communications power components supply network demand distribution important storages
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Johann Joachim Kranz Prof., Dr. oec. publ. Alternative spellings: Johann Kranz Johann J. Kranz B: 1980 München
Profession Hochschullehrer Wirtschaftsinformatiker
Affiliations Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Universität München. Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Publishing years Series Working paper / bidt - Bayerisches Forschungsinstitut für Digitale Transformation (1) Research handbooks in information systems (1) CESifo Seminar Ser. (1) CESifo seminar series (1) SpringerLink / Bücher (1)