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Kettlewell, Nathan Yong, Jong-say Yang, Ou Liu, Judith Aitken, Zoe Kaplan, Cameron Scott, Anthony Kaplan, Cameron M. Saxby, Karinna Burchill, Luke Sun, Eric McDonald, James Ted Hickey, Ross Zilio, Federico Liu, Lulu Ma, Qianheng Chen, Yingchun Gao, Hongxia Newhouse, Joseph P. Baicker, Katherine Huskamp, Haiden A. Frank, Richard G. McGuigan, Kimberly A. All co-authors private penalty age people public effects australia australien study phi evidence respond mandate extensive intensive use margins higher krankenversicherung hospitals penalties care data increase
Composed terms private health private health insurance health insurance private krankenversicherung people respond health care costs extensive intensive intensive margins Ältere menschen elderly people income earners age penalties penalties private aged care causal effects public private regression discontinuity mental disorders financial incentives incentives private insurance demand demand extensive medicare coverage residential aged purchase private waiting times dual public price elasticity penalty mandates mandates used used countries countries encourage encourage people people purchase purchase health insurance effective effective use use large large administrative administrative dataset dataset random random sample sample australian australian tax tax filers filers study study people
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Yuting Zhang Dr. Dr. Alternative spellings: Zhang Yuting Yuting Zhang Biblio: Ph.D., Harvard Univ., 2007
Profession Economist
Affiliations Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research Graduate School of Public Health (Pittsburgh, Pa.)
Publishing years Series Melbourne Institute working paper series (4) Melbourne Institute Working Paper (4) Discussion paper series / IZA (2) IZA Discussion Paper (2) Working paper (1)