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Pedersen, Anders Branth Hasler, Berit Termansen, Mette Christensen, Tove Daugbjerg, Carsten Wunder, Sven Latacz-Lohmann, Uwe Zandersen, Marianne Oddershede, Jakob Stoktoft Konrad, Maria Theresia Elofsson, Katarina Mørkbak, Morten Raun Speck, Stefan Andersen, Mikael Skou Ryelund, Anders Smith, Carey All co-authors farmers agriculture landwirtschaft umweltschutz landwirte environmental policy based baltic making cognitive shortcuts professional use economic umweltpolitik european agri evolution effectiveness challenges nature solutions climate adaptation paying flood control drivers investments nutrient abatement technologies sea countries determinants willingness participate subsidy schemes pesticide free buffer zones choice experiment study environmentally sustainable future developments cap bounded rationality decision values interfere market regulation instruments nordic challenging standard models title
Composed terms environmental protection environmental policy decision making cognitive shortcuts eu agrarpolitik common agricultural policy eu staaten eu countries baltische staaten baltic countries european agri agri environmental policy evolution evolution effectiveness effectiveness challenges challenges nature nature based based solutions solutions climate climate adaptation adaptation paying paying farmers farmers flood flood control control drivers drivers farmers farmers investments investments nutrient nutrient abatement abatement technologies technologies baltic baltic sea sea countries countries determinants determinants farmers farmers willingness willingness participate participate subsidy subsidy schemes schemes pesticide pesticide free free buffer buffer zones zones choice choice experiment experiment study study environmentally environmentally sustainable sustainable agriculture agriculture future future developments developments cap cap bounded bounded rationality rationality decision making cognitive shortcuts professional professional values values interfere interfere market market based based regulation regulation use use economic instruments nordic nordic baltic baltic environmental policy challenging challenging standard standard economic economic models models title title shows shows farmers farmers tend tend use use cognitive shortcuts decision making professional professional pride pride frequently eu politik 2001 2005
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Helle Oersted Nielsen Alternative spellings: Helle Ørsted Nielsen Helle Oersted Nielsen Helle Ørsted Nielsen Helle Nielsen Biblio: Tätig am National Environmental Research Institute, Aarhus Univ.
Publishing years Series Issues in environmental politics (1) TemaNord (1)