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Ahlheim, Michael Hanley, Nick Quach Thi Khanh Ngoc Hattam, Caroline Frör, Oliver Abate, Tenaw G. Aanesen, Margrethe Campbell, Danny Atkins, Jonathan P. Meginnis, Keila Burdon, Daryl Zawojska, Ewa Johnston, Robert J. Vries, Frans P. de Siyal, Ghamz-E-Ali Bui Bich Xuan Beaumont, Nicola Meyerhoff, Jürgen Lohse, Tim Qari, Salmai Austen, Melanie C. Ndebele, Tom Delaney, Alyne Garrard, Samantha Hadjimichael, Maria Böhnke-Henrichs, Anne Frör, Oliver Hien, Tang Thi McLaughlin, Eoin Millar, Neal Wyles, Kayleigh J. Falk-Andersson, Jannike Maccagnan, Anna Kuhfuss, Laure Nguyen Ngoc Duy Mmonwa, Kolobe Taylor, Tim Elliott, Lewis R. White, Mathew P. Frör, Oliver All co-authors zahlungsbereitschaftsanalyse contingent environmental defense experiment rubber public policy choice study benefits survey befragung interview preferences marine effects
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Tobias Börger Dr., Dipl.-Volksw. Biblio: Diss., Institut für Economics an der Universität Hohenheim, 2011
Profession Economist
Affiliations Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin University of Stirling University of St Andrews Plymouth Marine Laboratory Universität Hohenheim
Publishing years Series FZID discussion papers (5) Hohenheimer volkswirtschaftliche Schriften (2) CESifo working papers (1) Working papers (1)