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All co-authors workers experiment wage setting size participation gift exchange experimental reciprocity people mitbestimmung codetermination austauschtheorie lohnbildung leistungsanreiz leistungsmotivation geschenk gifts evidence punishment small matters comes process effort exertion results spieltheorie arbeitsmarkt glaubwürdigkeit credibility vertrauen confidence strafe opportnistic behaviour opportunistic behavior motives big pay cash employee retention stock options study analyzes consequences design based modified giftexchange game where degree involvement systematically varied data reveals leads actually decline explained negative respective worker recently observed
Composed terms workers participation participation wage wage setting gift exchange exchange experiment labor market gift exchange game personnel economics social exchange theory performance incentive work motivation evidence gift size matters matters comes setting process effort exertion game theory labour market setting opportnistic opportnistic behaviour behaviour evidence experiment workers setting opportunistic opportunistic behavior behavior evidence experiment punishment punishment motives motives small small big big size comes workers setting gift experiment size comes pay pay cash cash employee employee retention retention stock stock options options study study analyzes analyzes consequences consequences workers process effort exertion experimental experimental design design based based modified modified giftexchange giftexchange game game where where degree degree workers workers involvement involvement wage process systematically systematically varied varied workers workers experimental experimental data data reveals reveals workers participation leads leads actually actually decline decline effort exertion explained explained negative negative reciprocity reciprocity respective worker results recently observed positive effects participation experimental labor markets studies small small appears truth telling
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Ruslan Gurtoviy Dr. Biblio: Promotionsort: Univ. Dortmund
Affiliations Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu (New York, NY) Universität Trier
Publishing years Series IAAEU discussion paper series in economics (1) Discussion papers / Technische Universität Dortmund Fakultät Statistik, SFB 823 (1) Research paper series / Thurgau Institute of Economics at the University of Konstanz (1) IAAEG discussion paper series (1) Papers on strategic interaction (1)