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Gries, Thomas Nagler, Paula Serumaga-Zake, Philip A. E. Szirmai, Adam Hessels, Jolanda Naudé, Willem A. Brück, Tilman Dimitri, Nicola Cameron, Martin Bilkic, Natasa Stel, Nora Marchand, Katrin Siegel, Melissa Cristi M., Oscar Matthee, Marianne Brixy, Udo Amorós, José Ernesto All co-authors entrepreneurship paper economic model enterprises rural intelligence countries innovation artificial new policy labor non unternehmensgründung south digital
Composed terms entrepreneurship approach artificial intelligence business start up economic growth non farm künstliche intelligenz technological change technischer fortschritt south africa intelligence ai economic development farm enterprises endogenous growth growth theory empirical evidence covid pandemic rural africa new business manufacturing industries entrepreneurship development growth model industrial policy technological innovation north west advanced economies labor demand growth degrowth income distribution skill variety developing countries structural change labor market task approach productivity growth subsahara afrika sub saharan africa
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Wim Naudé Prof. Alternative spellings: Wim A. Naudé W. A. Naudé Willem Naudé B: 1968 Pretoria Biblio: AEXI-Advanced Export Intelligence BV Source:
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Profession Economist
Affiliations Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen Universiteit Leiden University of Johannesburg Maastricht Economic and Social Research and Training Centre on Innovation and Technology Maastricht School of Management Maastricht Graduate School of Governance Maastricht Economic and Social Research and Training Centre on Innovation and Technology Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit
Publishing years Series Discussion paper series / IZA (58) IZA Discussion Paper (50) Working paper series / United Nations University, UNU-MERIT (11) GLO discussion paper (4) Research papers / United Nations University, World Institute for Development Economics Research (3) Working paper / World Institute for Development Economics Research (2) Discussion paper / World Institute for Development Economics Research (2) Policy research working paper : WPS (1) University of Leipzig papers on Africa / Politics and economics (1) Studies in Development Economics and Policy (1) UNU-WIDER studies in development economics (1) Studies in development economics and policy (1) Inclusive growth for Germany (1) Policy Research Working Paper (1) Discussion paper / Tinbergen Institute (1) Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper (1) UNU-MERIT Working Papers #2018-032 (1) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (1) Palgrave pivot (1) Foundations and trends in entrepreneurship (1) Working paper series / Centre for the Study of African Economies (1)