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real raterate convergencereal interest rateconvergence countriesindustrialized countriespermanent transitorycomponents timevariance regimeresults suggestrelationship populationpopulation sizereal wagelate earlylatent dynamic factor modelunobserved componentsfinancial market integrationfinancial markettime series analysiscountries potentialpotential africanafrican tradetrade integrationintegration panelpanel datadata evidenceevidence comesacomesa eaceac sadcsadc tripartitetripartite realcountries conferenceconference paperpaper realreal wageswages originsorigins modernmodern economiceconomic growthgrowth germanygermany centuriescenturies nonlinearitiesnonlinearities exchangeexchange raterate determinationdetermination smallsmall openopen economyeconomy evidenceevidence canadacanada analyzeanalyze realcountries multimulti countrycountry frameworkframework meansmeans dynamicdynamic latentlatent factorfactor modelmodel real
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