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Silva, Susana Pinho, Carlos Afonso, Oscar Afonso, Oscar Sarmento, Paula Silva, Palloma Torres, Nuno Araujo, Madalena Fereira, Paula Fortunato, Adelino Marques, Vítor Meireles, Monica Varela-Candamio, Laura López Rodríguez, José Faina, Andres Silva, Susana Resende, Joana Sisodia, G. S. Amaral, Roberta Pinho, Joana Brandão, Antonio Salazar P. Ferreira, Paula Sisodia, Gyanendra Singh Macedo, Pedro Silva, Elvira Moura, João Sebastiao, Sonia Pedro Fortes, Patricia Meireles, Mónica All co-authors energy renewable tax regulation res carbon sources support emissions growth economic results umweltpolitik regulierung portugal pollution environmental policies green capture sequestration approach demand investment welfare prices polluting market model ccs wirtschaftswachstum Ökosteuer elektrizitätswirtschaft
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Isabel Soares Dr. Alternative spellings: Maria Isabel Rebelo Teixeira Soares Maria Isabel Rebelo Teixeira Soares Maria Isabel Rebelo Teixeira Soares B: 1952
Affiliations Universdade do Porto. Faculdade de Economia Universidade de Coimbra. Faculdade de Economia Universidade de Lisboa. Instituto Superior de Ciencias Sociais e Politicas
Publishing years Series Portuguese economic journal (1)