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Lutz, Byron F. Fried, Stephie Yildirmaz, Ahu Novan, Kevin Autor, David H. Cho, David Goldar, Mita Ratner, David D. Villar, Daniel Crane, Leland D. Montes, Joshua K. Sommer, Kamila Montes, Joshua Sager, Erick Johannsen, Benjamin K. Cashin, David Lenney, Jamie Gagnon, Etienne Aladangady, Aditya Blandin, Adam Bauer, Andrew Casey, Gregory Crane, Leland Dod Haltom, Nicholas Halton, Nicholas All co-authors capital optimal tax program model welfare life cycle policy human ppp labor taxes effect agents paper learning government percent doing social security kapitalertragsteuer effects endogenous accumulation paycheck protection did
Composed terms tax capital overlapping generations optimal tax optimal taxation optimale besteuerung learning doing capital income tax cycle model paycheck protection protection program impact assessment steady state human capital capital accumulated labor supply capital accumulation optimal capital life cycle supply elasticity capital tax environmental tax administrative payroll endogenous human agents who labour supply taxing capital welfare analysis public debt estimates frisch frisch labor fiscal policy endogenous retirement labor income risk free optimal policy treibhausgas emissionen greenhouse gas emissions Öffentliche sozialleistungen social security benefits Öffentliche schulden carbon tax evaluation paycheck program using using administrative payroll microdata capital importance importance human social security optimal public accumulation optimal small businesses eligible firms million jobs condition taxes taxes age free real real rate effects program welfare effects infinitely lived lifetime consumption interest rate income distribution tax effects climate policy billion paycheck program where where did did money money did macroeconomic implications income risk historical welfare analysis social security whom whom did did program program benefit debt life cycle motives
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
William B. Peterman Dr. Alternative spellings: William Ben Peterman William Peterman Biblio: Diss., Univ. of California, San Diego, Calif., 2011
Affiliations Federal Reserve System. Board of Governors
Publishing years Series Finance and economics discussion series (12) FEDS Working Paper (7) Working papers series / Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (3) NBER working paper series (2) Discussion paper (2) NBER Working Paper (1) BLS working papers (1) Working papers / Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (1)