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Years of publications: 2017 - 2017

34 records from EconBiz based on author Name Information logo

1. International benchmarking of private investments in Digital Decade thematic areas

Torrecillas Jódar, Juan; Papazoglou, Michail; Calza, Elisa; Cardona, Mélisande; Vázquez-Prada Baillet, Miguel; López Cobo, Montserrat; De Prato, Giuditta;
Type: Amtliche Publikation; Amtsdrucksache; Amtliche Druckschrift; Amtliche Veröffentlichung; Offizielle Publikation; Regierungsveröffentlichung; Amtsdruckschrift; Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;
Availability: Link Link

2. Mapping EU level funding instruments to Digital Decade targets : application to main digital instruments in 2014-2027

Papazoglou, Michail; Torrecillas Jódar, Juan; Cardona, Mélisande; Calza, Elisa; Vázquez-Prada Baillet, Miguel; Righi, Riccardo; López Cobo, Montserrat; De Prato, Giuditta;
Type: Amtliche Publikation; Amtsdrucksache; Amtliche Druckschrift; Amtliche Veröffentlichung; Offizielle Publikation; Regierungsveröffentlichung; Amtsdruckschrift; Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;
Availability: Link Link

3. The 2021 PREDICT dataset methodology

Benages, Eva; Hernández, Leonardo; Mínguez, C.; Pascual, F.; Robledo, J. C.; Rosell, I.; Salamanca, J.; Solaz, M.; Righi, R.; Samoili, S.; Vazquez-Prada Baillet, M.; De Prato, Giuditta; Cardona, Mélisande; López-Cobo, M.; Mas, Matilde; Fernández de Guevara, Juan;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;
Availability: Link

4. ICT specialists in employment : methodological note


The digital transformation of the economy and society has intensified the need for digitally skilled labour force. Recent studies inform about expected increased demand, and skill shortages in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector, with a widening gap between supply and demand of ICT specialists. The need for accurate data on the number of ICT specialists in employment becomes more pertinent due to the development of policy initiatives aimed at increasing digital skills. Eurostat and the OECD define ICT specialists and propose a statistical definition using the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) 2008. Based on the Labour Force Survey, Eurostat provides an estimated 8.9 million persons working as ICT specialists in 2018 in the EU. This indicator annually feeds the Digital Economy and Society Indicator, a composite indicator that assesses the digital performance of EU Member States. This paper shows that this value underestimates the actual number of ICT specialists and proposes a more accurate method for the estimation. The list of ICT occupations includes both 3-digit (3d) and 4-digit (4d) codes. The number of EU Member States not reporting 4d data was 12 in 2011 and 6 in 2018. Therefore, the direct implementation of the definition is not possible, and a method is needed to estimate the missing 4d values and produce complete estimates for the EU. Eurostat developed an estimation method based on education data (EF method) to provide estimates for ICT in employment. This paper proposes the Ratio method for the estimation of missing data, compares its performance with the EF method, and produces estimates on ICT specialists in employment for 2004-2018, for the EU and its Member States. The results show that the Ratio method provides more accurate estimates than the EF method. We test the performance with two error measures by means of a cross-validation algorithm; in both cases, all six variants of the Ratio method tested reduce the error of the EF method between 35% and 55% when measured on countries reporting 4d data. The new proposed method estimates 9.2 million ICT specialists are working in the EU in 2018, 2% above the value with the old estimation method (the difference reached 26% in 2004). At country level, for countries with missing data, the new method implies an average increase of 34% in 2004-2010 and 17% in 2011-2018 with respect to the estimate with the current method. According to our estimations, the number of ICT specialists in employment followed an increasing trend over the two analysed periods (2004-2010 and 2011-2018), with an overall increase of 19% in the first period, and of 35% in the second one. The share over total employment also increases, with a grow from 3.2% in 2011 to 4.0% in 2018. These results are in line with other studies that show that the ICT sector was more resilient to the economic crisis that started in 2008 than the whole economy.

López Cobo, Montserrat; Rohman, Ibrahim Kholilul; De Prato, Giuditta; Cardona, Mélisande; Righi, Riccardo; Samoili, Sofia; Vázquez-Prada Baillet, Miguel;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link Link

5. AI Watch index : policy relevant dimensions to assess Europe's performance in artificial intelligence

López Cobo, Montserrat; Righi, Riccardo; Samoili, Sofia; Vázquez-Prada Baillet, Miguel; Cardona, Mélisande; De Prato, Giuditta;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;
Availability: Link

6. The AI techno-economic segment analysis : selected indicators

De Prato, Giuditta; López Cobo, Montserrat; Samoili, Sofia; Righi, Riccardo; Vázquez-Prada Baillet, Miguel; Cardona, Mélisande;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Amtsdruckschrift; Government document;
Availability: Link
Citations: 1 (based on OpenCitations)

7. Delivery costs and cross-border e-commerce in the EU Digital Single Market


This paper studies the effects of delivery costs on cross-border e-commerce flows in the EU. For this purpose, we use surveys carried out in 2015 on firms and consumers, to analyse the supply and demand side separately. The paper first offers some descriptive statistics on the issues of delivery and e-commerce. In addition, the paper provides some indirect and descriptive evidence about the effects of delivery costs on cross-border e-commerce. Finally, a more robust econometric analysis is carried out to assess the effects of a hypothetical reduction of concerns about delivery cost on cross-border e-commerce in the EU, from the perspective of both consumers and firms. On the consumers' side, the results indicate that concerns about long delivery times reduce expenditure in other countries more strongly if the consumer has had more experience with shopping in non-neighbouring countries. The results on the supply side indicate that removing delivery cost concerns would increase the overall number of firms selling online across the border by 6.2 percentage points. Similarly, an increase of 5 percentage points would be registered in the volume of online trade. Finally, we compute the implied reduction in cross-border trade costs that would result from a hypothetical policy intervention to eliminate these delivery cost concerns. We plug this trade cost estimate into a macro-sector multi-country CGE model. The macro-economic results indicate that, even though the impact on GDP would be tiny, an important effect would come from reduced overall price levels. Consumer prices would be significantly reduced due to a productivity shock in the retail sector.

Duch-Brown, Néstor; Cardona, Mélisande;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: Link Link The PDF logo

8. Geo-blocking in cross-border e-commerce in the EU Digital Single Market


A cross-border e-commerce Mystery Shopping Survey conducted in 2015, finds that the practice of erecting virtual barriers is still common in cross-border e-commerce within the EU, as it was in 2009. Electrical appliances, electronics and computer games are particularly difficult to buy online from another country. Geo-blocking often takes place at the delivery stage of the online purchase process and less often at the access stage. Larger websites can also block access according to a buyer's IP address. Geo-blocking is less probably between countries sharing a common language while a common border or geographical proximity has no effect. Travel services have a different pattern of geo-blocking from tangible goods, where geo-blocking mainly takes place at the access stage. Price analysis shows that differentiation takes place in all sectors, but is more common in the sectors less affected by geo-blocking.

Cardona, Mélisande;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: Link Link The PDF logo

9. The AI techno-economic complex System : worldwide landscape, thematic subdomains and technological collaborations

Righi, Riccardo; Samoili, Sofia; López Cobo, Montserrat; Vázquez-Prada Baillet, Miguel; Cardona, Mélisande; De Prato, Giuditta;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link
Citations: 14 (based on OpenCitations)

10. Consumer perceptions of (cross-border) ecommerce in the EU Digital Single Market


This report presents empirical evidence about the obstacles that European consumers face when trying to buy online goods and services in other EU Member States. It relies on data from a consumer survey carried out in February-March 2015 in the EU28. By comparing named websites with respondents' answers on the location of web shops, we find that 77% correctly assess whether a website is located domestically or in a foreign country. We also find that survey results are biased because cross-border purchases are under-reported. In addition, the report finds that prices, variety and transaction costs are strong drivers to shift consumer purchases of goods from offline to online shops, as predicted by economic theory. Consumers' perceptions of risk still hold them back from online transactions, which leaves some margin for policy makers to improve the regulatory and institutional setting. The results are less conclusive for online access to digital media content and for shifting online purchases from domestic to foreign markets.

Cardona, Mélisande; Duch-Brown, Néstor; Martens, Bertin;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: Link Link Link The PDF logo

The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata

Kevin Urbanski

B: 1988
Biblio: Forschungsinteressen: Korporative Akteure & EU Actorness, Europäische Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, Internationale Organisationen


  • Politologe
  • Affiliations

  • Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg
  • External links

  • Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
  • Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)
  • Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
  • Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
  • Wikidata

  • Publishing years

