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Defever, Fabrice Bernard, Andrew B. Riaño, Alejandro Taglioni, Daria Massari, Renzo Varela, Gonzalo Riano, Alejandro Wilson, John S. Portugal-Pérez, Alberto Xu, Lixin Colin Roberts, Mark Sánchez-Martín, Miguel Eduardo Marušić, Andreja Nguyen, Ha Kelleher, Sinéad Arnoletto, Matias Bruhn, Miriam Sanchez-Martin, Miguel Eduardo Defever, Fabrice Fernand Kelleher, Sinead Franco Bedoya, Sebastian Bøler, Esther Ann Gourdon, Julien Ferrantino, Michael Joseph Cadot, Olivier Tran, Trang Cho, Caleb Cho, Caleb Sungwoo Varela Petito, Gonzalo Franco-Bedoya, Sebastian Hollweg, Claire H. Lederman, Daniel Sanchez Martin, Miguel Eduardo Tran, Trang Thu Calderón, Valentina Restrepo L., Jorge Enrique All co-authors firms firm trade growth paper year exporters level standards effects countries products effect zones percent exports impact economic size partial business environment special spillovers measures rates new developing data evidence number product requirements harmonization international using information costs cash policy important significant dominican results finds markets world reform dynamics republic findings analysis suggest exporting mncs imports tariff central examines value european performance agreement market entry based domestic global subsidies courts heterogeneity sez share time scheme electronic elimination fdi large positive different unternehmenswachstum exportwirtschaft exportsubvention technical regional customs levels evaluates region sanitary standardisierung standardization cities role export registration exporter technology price shows increased average small heterogeneous worlds nepal wto america list variables access entrants available overall incentive provided prices increase außenwirtschaftspolitik peru india non capital host bias initial bank correcting
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José-Daniel Reyes Alternative spellings: José Daniel Reyes
Affiliations Weltbank. International Trade Department Inter-American Development Bank Georgetown University
Publishing years Series Policy research working paper : WPS (11) Policy Research Working Paper (8) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (6) World Bank E-Library Archive (4) Discussion paper (3) CESifo Working Paper Series (2) Research paper (2) CESifo working papers (2) Policy Research working paper (2) Directions in Development—Trade (1) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper Series, Vol. , pp. -, 2009 (1) Directions in development / Trade (1) 3979 (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (1) Policy research working paper (1) Boletines de divulgación económica (1)