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Bellmann, Lutz Hujer, Reinhard Sunder, Marco Guhr, Katja Günther, Jutta Evers, Katalin Evers, Katalin Lietzmann, Torsten Lehmann, Christian Wießner, Frank Gerner, Hans-Dieter Rauch, Angela Plicht, Hannelore Möller, Joachim Lott, Margit Kruppe, Thomas Kupka, Peter Krug, Gerhard König, Marion Koch, Susanne Hohmeyer, Katrin Hofmann, Barbara Hirseland, Andreas Haas, Anette Dietz, Martin Dietrich, Hans Bernhard, Stefan Bender, Stefan Bouncken, Ricarda B. All co-authors rate graduates regional mint determinants level analyses types effect sciences significant bundestagsdrucksache innovation arbeit empirical iab bundesregierung establishments
Composed terms unemployment rate mint graduates innovation types regional determinants determinants establishments establishments innovation innovation activities activities multi multi level level approach gesetzentwurf verbesserung verbesserung eingliederungschancen eingliederungschancen arbeitsmarkt paper analyses analyses determinants determinants different different innovation types wide wide range range firm firm characteristics characteristics effects effects regional regional factors factors estimated estimated using using level level random random effect effect logit logit models models account account clustered clustered longitudinal longitudinal structure structure data data analyses analyses contain contain regional regional variables variables unemployment rate assessment assessment region region reference reference proximity
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Andreas Crimmann Dr. rer. pol. Biblio: Inhaber der Dr. Crimmann Consulting ; Vorsitzender des Instituts für interdisziplinäre Arbeits- und Systemforschung e.V.
Profession Volkswirt
Publishing years Series IZA Discussion Paper (1) Discussion paper series / IZA (1) IAB-Stellungnahme : ausgewählte Beratungsergebnisse des Instituts für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (1)