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Silva, Olmo Hilber, Christian Benetton, Matteo Garbarino, Nicola Tenreyro, Silvana Cocco, João F. Wyatt, James Pinchbeck, Edward W. Sen, Shayak Jung, Carsten Datta, Anupam Valletti, Tommaso M. Surico, Paolo Fakhri, Daoud Croxson, Karen Pinchbeck, Edward Majer, Tommaso Bono, Teresa Belgibayeva, Adiya Pinchbeck, Ted All co-authors mortgage debt model hypothek immobilienpreis equity rates evidence wohnungsmarkt market history dependence entrepreneurship homeowners analysis value homeownership using mortgages time house data rate study link predicts negative relation immobilienmarkt payment loans historical discount london long payments kapitalstruktur wohneigentum shared role prices financing increase price higher occupational choice tenure where commit wealth amplifying aversion likelihood start business pronounced exploiting longitudinal dimension british household panel survey control unobservables test confirm predictions leverage likely entrepreneurs machine learning finance default leases method features scheme households difference home buyers transactions period kreditrisiko anchoring transaktionskosten finanzkrise housing taking disruptions application risk commitment set framework present applications approach input defaults inputs feature ratio explanations different groups use used financial products government years origination who shows
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Philippe Bracke Alternative spellings: P. Bracke
Profession Economist
Affiliations Financial Conduct Authority Centre for Economic Performance Spatial Economics Research Centre Bank of England
Publishing years Series Staff working papers / Bank of England (7) Bank of England Working Paper (5) Occasional paper (2) Discussion paper (1) CFM discussion paper series (1) Discussion papers / CEPR (1) CESifo working papers (1) SERC discussion paper (1) CESifo Working Paper Series (1) IZA Discussion Paper (1) Discussion paper series / IZA (1)