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Marx, Benjamin M. Powdthavee, Nattavudh Malaeb, Bilal Vlassopoulos, Michael Wahba, Jackline Saporiti, Alejandro Ray, Indrajit Vriend, Nicolaas J. Cornaglia, Francesca Riyanto, Yohanes Eko Gerson, Jennifer Cabrales, Antonio Gurguc, Zeynep Pearce, Graeme Nosenzo, Daniele Masella, Paolo Sonnemans, Joep Georgantzís, Nikolaos Cartwright, Edward Sefton, Martin Jamison, Julian C. Isen, Adam Nosenzo, Daniele Hanaki, Nobuyuki Shimodaira, Yuta Kocher, Martin D'Adda, Giovanna Huck, Steffen Adena, Maja Di Cagno, Daniela Paiardini, Paola Vriend, Nicolass J. Grosskopf, Brit Qiu, Zeyu Barile, Lory Pearce, Graeme K. Rigdon, Mary L. Bone, John All co-authors experiment game social information effects individuals spieltheorie income whether people who public evidence preferences behavior effect significantly games donations economic experimental equilibrium subjects cooperation endowment performance way study talk randomly findings misrepresent participants workers groups treatments results treatment selfish where important individual norms new dilemma analysis goods average human lying punishment implications suggest catfisher cheap kooperation altruism verhaltensökonomik substantially data order paper using payoffs subsequent higher matched test fundraising altruismus syrian little subject team behaviors gift exchange design proposers responders standard experimentally second control patterns provide increases played persönlichkeitspsychologie arbeitsgruppe private understanding refugees later affect peer party pro effort mechanism followers willingness elicited small sided truthful strafe induced repeated opportunity competition research
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Michalis Drouvelis Alternative spellings: M. Drouvelis B: 1981
Profession Economist
Affiliations University of Birmingham. Department of Economics CESifo GmbH
Publishing years Series CESifo working papers (15) CESifo Working Paper (10) IZA Discussion Paper (3) CEDEX discussion paper series (3) Working paper (3) Discussion paper series / IZA (3) CESifo Working Paper Series (2) Cardiff economics working papers (2) Oxford economic papers (1) LSE IGA working paper series (1) Discussion paper / Institute of Social and Economic Research (1) Warwick economic research papers (1) Discussion paper / Tinbergen Institute (1) Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper 15-114/I (1) Discussion papers : collana di e-papers del Dipartimento di economia e management, Università di Pisa : discussion paper (1) Discussion paper (1) Games and Economic Behavior (1) Working papers / Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (1) Discussion paper series (1) Discussion papers / Department of Economics, The University of Birmingham (1) Economics discussion paper series : EDP (1)