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Lutz, Wolfgang Goujon, Anne Dhakad, Moradhvaj Strießnig, Erich Wagner, Fabian Rovenskaya, Elena Fuss, Sabine Nakićenović, Nebojša Jäger, Jill Sauer, Petra Crespo Cuaresma, Jesús Loihinger, Elke Muttarak, Raya Speringer, Markus Stilianakis, Nikolaos Stonawski, Marcin Eder, Jakob Jurasszovich, Sandra Reiter, Claudia Potančoková, Michaela Butz, William P. All co-authors attainment educational population age human countries sex data capital wic humankapital differentials methodology projections inequality growth bevölkerungsentwicklung bevölkerungsprognose global development specific based paper estimates bildungsniveau globally assessment century critical life course demography income level health educated evidence limited wittgenstein centre reliable young www working vid publications effect economic bildungsabschluss demographie mortality reconstruction demographic scenarios reducing vulnerability phases enhancing education mobility special issue iiasa anniversary conference guest editorial world status determined
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Samir KC Dr. Alternative spellings: Samir K. C.
Affiliations International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Rijksuniversiteit Groningen University of Groningen. Faculty of Spatial Sciences Tribhuvan University
Publishing years Series Working papers / Vienna Institute for Demography (2) Occasional paper / UNDP Human Development Report Office (1) Occasional paper / Human Development Report Office (1) Working paper / WWWforEurope WelfareWealthWork (1)