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Vu, Ha Chan, Marc K. Tabasso, Domenico Ryan, Chris Tseng, Yi-ping Wilkins, Roger Carter, Andrew To, Hang Jha, Nikhil Oguzoglu, Umut Tabasso, Domenico Morris, Todd Haisken-DeNew, John P. Voitchovsky, Sarah Van de Ven, Justin Holland, Justin Chigavazira, Abraham Nguyen, Son Broadway, Barbara Evans, Michelle McVicar, Duncan Vu, Ha Oguzoglu, Umut Buddelmeyer, Hielke All co-authors school income effects training data programs using australia vocational benefits contributions australien tax evidence outcomes receipt courses study early age longitudinal academic secondary impacts australian learning berufsbildung upper rates increases altersvorsorge schemes low fiscal funding leavers labour administrative eligibility associated time countries alternative payments welfare schooling workplace market governments higher examine who achievement post retirement information new completion
Composed terms education training vocational training upper secondary retirement provision early school school leavers alternative payments retirement benefits aging population secondary vocational vet courses using administrative training vet vet programs post school labour market eligibility age natural experiment longitudinal survey survey australian australian youth academic achievement administrative data private altersvorsorge private retirement provision retirement savings reading proficiency academic courses impacts delaying delaying access access retirement benefits welfare welfare receipt receipt expenditure expenditure evidence evidence natural fiscal pressures study examine oecd countries classroom based based vet modest improvements programs encourage encourage early adult education educational behaviour returns to education low reading making real real benefits benefits workplace learning upper second chance chance education education early income tax propensity score score matching alternde bevölkerung vocational training policy vocational education and training soziale lage social situation Ältere menschen elderly people finanzierung der sozialversicherung social security financing betriebliches bildungsmanagement employer provided training drop outs school attendance income saving saving responses responses tax tax incentives incentives private fully integrating integrating upper new way long run run effects studies large data examine
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Cain Polidano Biblio: Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course, Australia
Profession Economist
Affiliations Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research
Publishing years Series Melbourne Institute working paper series (12) Melbourne Institute Working Paper (10) IZA Discussion Paper (5) Discussion paper series / IZA (5) MEA Discussion Paper (1) TTPI - working paper (1) MEA discussion papers (1) School working papers / Economics series / Faculty of Business and Law, School of Accounting, Economics and Finance, Deakin University (1) Working paper series / Université de Genève, Institut d'Économie et d'Économetrie (1)