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Nitsch, Volker Besedeš, Tibor Efing, Matthias Jochem, Axel Wamser, Georg Drott, Constantin Harms, Philipp Weichenrieder, Alfons J. Frey, Rainer Steinmüller, Elias Drott, Constantin Nagengast, Arne Møen, Jarle Schindler, Dirk Schjelderup, Guttorm Nagengast, Arne J. Nagengast, Arne J. Steinmüller, Elias Winkler, Stefan Bodendorf, Freimut All co-authors sanctions financial german effect germany countries flows capital country goods firms effects services sanction trade sanctioned data paper foreign cross border payments sanktion banks kapitalmobilität responses examines margin target non firm imposed
Composed terms cross border capital mobility paper examines trade goods goods services sanctioned countries sanctions imposed data german imposition sanctions examines effect effect financial financial assets highly disaggregated german balance balance payments payments statistics intensive margin credit supply impact assessment non financial european union disaggregated monthly monthly data sender country banks located cross border transaction large case case services export restrictions extensive margin german firms financial interactions bank lending relationship lending russian banks effect sanctions country paper differences approach sizably reduced extensive intensive statistics period bilateral financial trade in services
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Stefan Goldbach Dr.
Profession Volkswirt
Affiliations Deutsche Bundesbank Technische Universität Darmstadt
Publishing years Series Discussion paper (12) Darmstadt discussion papers in economics : applied research in economics (8) Deutsche Bundesbank Discussion Paper (7) CESifo working papers (4) CESifo Working Paper (2) SAFE working paper (1) Bundesbank Discussion Paper (1) CESifo Working Paper Series (1) Arbeitspapier / Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Abteilung Wirtschaftsinformatik (1)