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Ostry, Jonathan David Prasad, Ananthakrishnan Montiel, Peter Pérez Ruiz, Esther Chami, Ralph Sy, Mouhamadou Ghosh, Atish R. Alla, Zineddine Gamboa-Arbelaez, Juliana Papageorgiou, Chris Coppo, Mattia Medas, Paulo Espinoza, Raphael A. Fayad, Ghada Jahan, Sarwat Dabla-Norris, Era Tsomocos, Dimitrios P. Xu, TengTeng Spilimbergo, Antonio Schindler, Martin Mursula, Susanna Loungani, Prakash Cosimano, Thomas F. Leigh, Daniel Halikias, Ioannis Decressin, Jörg Williams, Oral Highworth Durand, Luigi Segoviano, Miguel Zhang, Xiaoxiao Presbitero, Andrea Alvarez, Jorge Leon, Hyginus L. All co-authors public fiscal policy debt labor
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Raphael Espinoza Dr. Alternative spellings: Raphaël Espinoza Place of Activity: Oxford
Profession Economist
Affiliations University College London. Centre for Comparative Studies in Emerging Economies University of Oxford Internationaler Währungsfonds
Publishing years Series IMF working papers (5) IMF staff discussion note (3) Discussion papers / CEPR (2) IMF working paper (1)