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GND: 1046418882

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Years of publications: 1980 - 2019

The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata

Nathan Gardels

B: 1952
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Source: Wikimedia Commons

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Nathan Gardels (born December 22, 1952) is the editor-in-chief of Noema Magazine. He is also the co-founder of and a senior adviser to the Berggruen Institute. He previously served as editor-in-chief of The WorldPost, a partnership with The Washington Post, as well as editor-in-chief of Global Viewpoint Network and Nobel Laureates Plus, both services of the Los Angeles Times Syndicate/Tribune Media). From 1985 to 2014 he also was editor of New Perspectives Quarterly, the journal of social and political thought published by Blackwell/Oxford. (Source: DBPedia)


  • Journalist
  • External links

  • Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
  • Bibliothèque nationale de France
  • Wikipedia (English)
  • Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
  • NACO Authority File
  • Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
  • Wikidata
  • International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI)

  • Publishing years



    1. Great transformations (1)