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Buber-Ennser, Isabella Bujard, Martin Caporali, Arianna Klüsener, Sebastian Neyer, Gerda Grigorieva, Olga Kulu, Hill Hannemann, Tina Pailhé, Ariane Neels, Karel González-Ferrer, Amparo Andersson, Gunnar Bauer, Michael W. Bogumil, Jörg Knill, Christoph Ebinger, Falk All co-authors intended number germany data fertility education ggs country gender countries including association fertilität freda providing contextual demographic research recent european compare step born multinomial logistic regression differences intention women men norwegian geschlecht europe europa children moldova norway international comparison using easy access cross comparative concept advances generations programme database birth order descendants immigrants selected childcare family
Composed terms intended number number children children germany germany moldova moldova norway freda ggs ggs data demographic research generations gender european countries compare intended children including including children children born multinomial logistic logistic regression intention children association norwegian education intended norway international international comparison comparison using using freda data providing providing easy easy access access cross cross country country comparative comparative contextual contextual data data demographic research concept concept recent recent advances advances generations gender programme programme contextual contextual database database fertility fertility birth birth order order descendants descendants immigrants immigrants selected selected european countries childcare childcare family family ideology ideology sweden sweden modernisierung modernisierung umweltverwaltung reformstrategien effekte effekte bundesländern bundesländern study study compare norway covid covid pandemic pandemic step step compare born newly newly available available generations gender survey survey round round ggs ggs german german freda second step estimate number number intended intended children children multinomial regression models models results considerable differences countries respondents plan large whereas individuals
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Sandra Krapf Dr. rer. pol. Alternative spellings: S. Krapf B: 1978 Riedlingen
Profession Demographin
Affiliations Universität Bamberg. Staatsinstitut für Familienforschung Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung Universität zu Köln Universität Rostock Universität Rostock. Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Publishing years Series MPIDR working papers (2) Modernisierung des öffentlichen Sektors / Sonderband (1)