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Lusk, Jayson L. Roberts, Matthew C. Marette, Stéphan Chang, Jae Bong Henneberry, Shida Rastegari Britton, Logan L. Carson, Richard T. Luter, Ryan L. McDonald, Tanya U. Ramírez, Octavio A. Pruitt, J. Ross Boyer, Tracy Arunachalam, Bharath Briggeman, Brian C. Gunderson, Michael Q. Feuz, Ryan Boyer, Tracy A. Corbin, Max Smithson, Katie Tonsor, Glynn T. Paul, Andrew S. Mix, Tamara L. Ramanathan, Ranjith Massey, Raymond E. All co-authors experiment zahlungsbereitschaftsanalyse konsumentenverhalten tierschutz valuation animal experiments design effect beef food radicals welfare bias hypothetical inferred method demand choice rindfleisch health tierhaltung prognoseverfahren consumer meet gap money ban economics conjoint markets price analysis investigation laboratory reply ranking crop yield models ernährungssicherung paternalism verhaltensökonomik gesundheit verhalten behaviour ernährungsverhalten lebensmittel geflügelhaltung aviculture schweinehaltung präferenztheorie ernteertrag oklahoma identity improve survey spillover marketing discolored preferences nondiscolored vote buy application cage free eggs choosing vegetarians spend don predicting state wide votes ballot initiatives battery cages gestation crates paternalist meets match private provision friendly porks speciesism altruism social desirability real calibrated auction valuing pork produced differing conditions nonmarket prediction happy hens hedonic retail egg prices multimedia classroom economic benefits costs vegetarianism getting substitution surveys field bridging occurring tale drug use production willingness pay
Composed terms willingness to pay consumer behaviour animal protection experimentelle Ökonomik experimental economics conjoint analyse conjoint analysis food radicals inferred valuation valuation method systematischer fehler animal husbandry kosten nutzen analyse cost benefit analysis forecasting model meet food animal welfare conjoint valuation laboratory experiments ranking crop crop yield yield models consumer behavior food security behavioral economics eating habit pig farming theory of preferences logit modell logit model statistische verteilung statistical distribution identity improve improve survey survey design design spillover spillover effect effect marketing marketing discolored discolored beef beef consumer consumer preferences preferences nondiscolored nondiscolored beef beef meet radicals experiment experiment vote vote buy buy gap gap application application cage cage free free eggs eggs choosing choosing vegetarians vegetarians spend spend money money food food don don predicting predicting state state wide wide votes votes ballot ballot initiatives initiatives ban ban battery battery cages cages gestation gestation crates crates paternalist paternalist meets meets match match private private provision provision animal animal friendly friendly eggs eggs porks porks speciesism speciesism altruism altruism economics economics animal welfare social social desirability desirability bias bias real real hypothetical method valuing valuing pork retail egg bias tale routine
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F. Bailey Norwood Dr. Alternative spellings: F. Bailey Norwood Biblio: Ph.D., Economics, North Carolina State Univ., 2001
Affiliations Oklahoma State University. Department of Agricultural Economics