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Ahnert, Toni Chiu, Jonathan Gai, Prasanna Garratt, Rod Molico, Miguel Bech, Morten L. Desai, Ajit Anand, Kartik Anand, Kartik Zhang, Nellie Allen, Jason Echenique, Federico Martin, Antoine Shum, Matthew Rivadeneyra, Francisco Wilkins, Carolyn Damar, H. Evren Jafri, Sajjad Saiz, Héctor Pérez Benos, Evangelos Damar, Halil Evren O'Connor, Sean Millar, Kirby Embree, Lana Roberts, Tom Frank, Lawrence Bradley, Mark Kavage, Sarah Jiang, Janet Hua Wilkins, Carolyn A. Cepeda L., Freddy Paulick, Jan Diehl, Martin Duca-Radu, Ioana Heijmans, Ronald Kosse, Anneke Nellen, Thomas Nilsson, Thomas Pustelnikov, Andrei Kumhof, Michael Bastos, Mario Rubem do Coutto Testi, Sara Badev, Anton Davoodalhosseini, Seyed Mohammadreza Zhu, Yu Barrdear, John Lawton, T. Keith All co-authors encumbrance central banks payments payment data funding financial asset systems model zahlungsverkehr canadian capital large crisis bankenregulierung using policy lvts value zentralbank models participants clearing bankenliquidität transfer settlement study paper debt geldpolitik bankrisiko bank macroeconomic machine
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James Chapman Alternative spellings: J. Chapman James T. E. Chapman James Thompson Edward Chapman
Affiliations Bank of Canada
Publishing years Series Staff working paper / Bank of Canada (9) Staff discussion paper (4) Working papers / Bank for International Settlements (1) ESRB: Working Paper Series (1) SRC discussion paper : discussion paper series (1) Working paper series (1) Discussion paper (1) Technical report / Bank of Canada (1) SFB 649 discussion paper (1) FRB of New York Staff Report (1) Staff reports / Federal Reserve Bank of New York (1)