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McKelvey, Maureen D. Lind, Frida Ljungberg, Daniel Rickne, Annika Landqvist, Maria Aaboen, Lisa Öberg, Christina Tsung-Ying Shih, Tommy Perna, Andrea Zaring, Olof Szücs, Stefan Çetindamar, Dilek All co-authors unternehmensnetzwerk business development europe innovation europa product customer dynamics modern forschungskooperation innovationsmanagement ausgründung produktentwicklung technology industry case spin collaborative economic biotechnology supplier unternehmensgründung lieferantenmanagement biotechnologie creation medical offs network interact japan insight corporation beziehungsmarketing schweden sweden hochschule networks based start collaborates customers sectoral conditions affect commercialization kie venture study aerocrine exploring roles university involvement industrial perspective research innovative food example renewing traditional low tech building relationships corporate strategies academic engineering centers growth biomedical interaction book offers novel using examples reflect global trends authors apply theoretical fundamental enigma learning society knowledge ideas market processes formation industries firms explores studies largest companies toshiba nippon steel medizintechnik role pattern marketingmanagement ernährungsindustrie medizinprodukteindustrie kongreß ohio agglomerationseffekt vergleich comparison industrie marketing
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Jens Laage-Hellman Alternative spellings: Jens Laage-Hellman J. Laage-Hellman Jens L.-Hellman B: 1947 Biblio: Associate Professor, Dep. of Industrial Marketing, School of Technology Management and Economics, Chalmers Univ. of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Publishing years Series Routledge advances in Asia-Pacific business (2) Edward Elgar E-Book Archive (1)