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Davis, Colin R. Im, Ryonghun Kunieda, Takuma Shibata, Akihisa Ono, Yoshiyasu Schlegl, Matthias Tabata, Ken Miyagiwa, Kazuyuki Johdo, Wataru Im, Ryonghun Tabata, Ken All co-authors growth country labor industry model market rate demand effects financial unemployment knowledge endogenous international economy population location concentration trade frictions policy paper arbeitslosigkeit productivity consumption larger produktivität fluctuations patterns aggregate shocks level welfare domestic relative asset structural analysis capita firms wirtschaftswachstum tariff economic diffusion secular share cost supply child demographic real aging presence firm greater opposite standard shortage arbeitsmarkt competition small dynamic higher degree faster wage entry force
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Ken'ichi Hashimoto Alternative spellings: K.-I. Hashimoto Ken-ichi Hashimoto Biblio: Tätig an der Graduate School of Economics, Kobe Univ., Japan; Tätig an der Osaka Univ.
Publishing years Series Discussion paper / Institute of Social and Economic Research (14) ISER DP (5) Discussion paper series (4) KIER discussion paper series : discussion paper ... (3) Discussion paper (2) ISER Discussion Paper (2) Working papers / Florida International University, Department of Economics (1) ISER (1) CESifo Working Paper (1) CESifo working papers (1)