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Pfaff, Alexander S. P. Cárdenas Campo, Juan Camilo Murphy, James J. Stranlund, John Kevin Robalino, Juan David Moros, Lina Quintero, Daniela Perdomo, Natalia Peña-Parga, Ximena Chimeli, Ariaster Salcedo, Rodrigo Féres, José Bejarano, Hernán Chávez Rebolledo, Carlos López-Feldman, Alejandro Viteri, César Puerto, Sergio Paz, Andrea Pacay, Eduardo Leibbrandt, Andreas Lobo, Iván Rodriguez, Luz A. Pacay, Eduardo Rodríguez Becerra, Manuel Stranlund, John Matajira, Camilo Paz, Andrea Ramos Barón, Pablo Andrés Molina, Adriana Moeltner, Klaus Rodríguez, Luz Angela Lobo, Ivan D. Llanes, Lucas Marín Marín-Llanes, Lucas Fernández, Manuel Ramos, Beatriz Jauregui, Gilda Restrepo, David Veláquez, Mauricio Vollan, Björn Tobin, Danny Montenegro, Santiago All co-authors colombia illicit social kolumbien communities policy economies evidence enforcement experiment pes field collective control del environmental desarrollo quota land colombian effects sostenible common pool lrp sostenibilidad special issue impacts afro policies preferences paper growing individual feldforschung fisheries gemeingüter commons based crowd lab payments titling region lessons incentives government harvest experimental fishing resource leaf rights cultivation research harvesters umweltpolitik bodenreform fischerei coca local para restitution latin active community territories services removal context las gobernanza bolivian number ceasefire killing security implemented broad crime capacity juan ambiental increased subjects deforestation kriminalität umweltschutz anreiz coronavirus wirkungsanalyse bodenrecht
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
María Alejandra Vélez Dr. Alternative spellings: Maria Alejandra Vélez
Profession Economist
Affiliations Universidad de los Andes. Facultad de Administración (Bogotá) Centro de Estudios sobre Seguridad y Drogas
Publishing years Series Documento CEDE (7) Documentos CEDE (4) Documento de trabajo IISEC-UCB (1) Working papers / Department of Economics, University of São Paulo (FEA-USP) (1)