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Sandefur, Justin Kenny, Charles Dykstra, Sarah Duran, Denizhan Peña-Parga, Ximena Ignacio Zoloa, Juan Levine, Ruth Schneidman, Miriam Silverman Bonnifield, Rachel Lane, Christoher Gaarder, Marie Todd, Jessica Erin Smith, Peter Giedion, Ursula McQueston, Katherine Gwenigale, Walter Hughes, Jacob McQueston, Kate Yang, George Sandefur, Justin Temin, Miriam Mirelman, Andrew Wolff, Guntram B. Handa, Sudhanshu All co-authors benefits evidence countries aid package impact latin effects development cost effectiveness vaccination spending
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Amanda Glassman Alternative spellings: Amanda L. Glassman B: 1970
Affiliations Center for Global Development (Washington, DC) Inter-American Development Bank
Publishing years Series Working paper / Center for Global Development (8) Center for Global Development Working Paper (5) Documentos CEDE (2)