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Tiwari, Sailesh Olivieri, Sergio Narayan, Ambar Ranzani, Marco Ceriani, Lidia Agüero, Jorge M. Nopo, Hugo Dang, Hai-Anh Pico, Julieth Maldonado Zambrano, Stanislao Shidiq, Akhmad Rizal Desai, Sonal Murgai, Rinku Nopo, Hugo R. Malasquez, Eduardo Ñopo, Hugo Olivieri, Sergio Daniel Malasquez, Eduardo A Ñopo, Hugo All co-authors mobility paper welfare data education using teachers middle opportunity vulnerability percent upward bildungsniveau results class poverty income lower line findings suggest armut value nonparametric higher achievement population einkommensverteilung synthetic decline run educational household students social who vulnerable skills language formation colombia evidence past panel kolumbien human dynamics panels long review empirical rounds model day person estimates colombian experienced increases living standards decades economic likely significant groups people large changes programs college deteriorate mittelschicht natural decomposition rent measurement error survey approaches employs estimation purchasing power households surveys techniques falling good little majors foreign measured bildungschancen messung resources capital broken gears added academic effects democracy cross methodologies spanish parametric combining test level math quality school methods implemented presents extent
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Carlos Felipe Balcázar Alternative spellings: Carlos Felipe Balcazar Carlos Felipe Balcázar
Profession Economist
Affiliations Weltbankgruppe
Publishing years Series Policy research working paper : WPS (8) Policy Research Working Paper (7) World Bank E-Library Archive (6) Discussion paper series / IZA (2) Working papers / University of Connecticut, Department of Economics (1) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (1)