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Fóti, Klára Anderson, Robert Mascherini, Massimiliano Leončikas, Tadas Sándor, Eszter Jungblut, Jean-Marie Molinuevo, Daniel Nivakosk, Sanna Pöntinen, Laura Leončikas, Tadas Ahrendt, Daphne Eiffe, Franz F. Bisello, Martina Kulic, Nevena Schans, Corine van der Ludwinek, Anna Nivakoski, Sanna Fernández Ortiz, Elena Kable, Ethan Patrini, Valentina MacGoris, Sophia All co-authors quality people services public convergence life social insecurities lebensqualität housing covid access upward resilience european healthcare insecurity employment brief age coronavirus erwerbstätigkeit gesundheitsversorgung wirtschaftskrise dienstleistungsqualität unaffordable inadequate europe older impact lives support care essential low incomes energy transport digital communications
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Hans Dubois Place of Activity: Dublin
Profession Economist
Affiliations European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
Publishing years Series Research report / Eurofound (2) EF / European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (2) Research paper / Eurofound (1) Living conditions and quality of life (1) Ad hoc report / Eurofound (1) Policy brief / Eurofound (1) Eurofound flagship report series (1) Quality of life (1) EF (1)