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Luby, Martin J. Kriz, Kenneth A. Martell, Christine R. Ivonchyk, Mikhail Espinosa, Salvador Johnson, Craig L. Anastasopoulos, L. Jason Scott, Tyler Ivonchyk, Mikhail Y. Greer, Robert A. Grandage, Andrew J. Espinosa, Salvador Liu, Cheol Kioko, Sharon N. Hildreth, William Bartley Guzman, Tatyana All co-authors information capital subnational borrowing resolution debt impact government länderfinanzen kreditwürdigkeit kommunalobligation kommunalverschuldung state policy city municipal market governance finance public costs economic credit texas finanzpolitik kommunalverwaltung schuldenmanagement appreciation bonds cost patron largess regional authoritarian rule markets local financial instruments changes management organizational context budget orientations computational text analysis explaining bids price bid competitive auctions county framework balancing act competing objectives fiscal capacity corruption states pricing bankruptcy eligibility requirements statutory liens close comfort intensity advisor underwriter relationship crises structure quality cycle review literature level contractibility content understanding managing communicating fundamentals contexts reforms financing lessons practice anleihe bond schulfinanzierung kapitalkosten kreditrisiko finanzkontrolle kalifornien california komplexitätsmanagement haushaltsplanung bibliometrie bibliometrics auktion auction schätzung estimation finanzmarktregulierung teilstaat insolvency finanzintermediation
Composed terms information resolution subnational capital municipal debt public debt subnational government state government finance Öffentliche schulden credit rating municipal bond capital finance borrowing costs government capital fiscal policy local government debt management capital appreciation appreciation bonds bonds cost cost borrowing borrowing patron patron largess largess regional regional borrowing borrowing authoritarian authoritarian rule rule information resolution subnational capital markets markets state state local local financial financial instruments instruments policy policy changes changes management management organizational organizational context context budget budget orientations orientations computational computational text text analysis analysis explaining explaining bids bids price price bid bid competitive competitive auctions auctions city city county county debt debt municipal debt market market governance governance framework framework balancing balancing act act competing competing objectives objectives fiscal fiscal governance governance information information capacity capacity subnational finance public public corruption corruption states states impact impact public debt pricing pricing impact impact bankruptcy bankruptcy eligibility requirements statutory statutory liens liens borrowing close comfort comfort intensity municipal advisor underwriter relationship city debt 2004 2016
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Tima T. Moldogaziev Dr. Alternative spellings: Tima Moldogaziev Tima Tilekovich Moldogaziev Temirlan Tilekovich Moldogaziev Temirlan Tilekovich Moldogaziev
Affiliations Pennsylvania State University (University Park, Pa.) University of Pennsylvania University of Georgia
Publishing years Series Studies in fiscal federalism and state-local finance (1)