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Hamori, Shigeyuki Kinkyō, Takuji Aoki, Kōsuke Hatase, Mariko Takahashi, Wataru Luong, Dung Anh Inada, Yoshihisa Toyozawa, Kei Kinugasa, Tomoko Kitano, Shigeto Wierzbowska, Agata Nakamura, Tamotsu Nakamura, Tamotsu Hagiwara, Taiji All co-authors financial global japan east crisis programme new capital monetary policy asia geldpolitik international rebalancing topic wirtschaftswachstum finanzmarktregulierung evidence investment flows europe
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Yōichi Matsubayashi Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: Yō'ichi Matsubayashi Yoichi Matsubayashi Matsubayashi Yoichi ヨウイチ マツバヤシ 松林洋一
Profession Economist Hochschullehrer
Affiliations Kōbe Daigaku
Publishing years Series Discussion paper (1) IMES discussion paper series / Englische Ausgabe (1) Kobe University Monograph Series in Social Science Research (1) Kobe University Social Science Research Series (1) SpringerBriefs in economics (1) Working paper (1) Routledge studies in the modern world economy (1)