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Goduscheit, René Chester Björk, Jennie Gertsen, Frank Taran, Yariv Gerolamo, Mateus Cecílio Hölzle, Katharina Visser-Groeneveld, Jeannette Jørgensen, Frances Carpinetti, Luiz Cesar Ribeiro Wæhrens, Brian Vejrum Taran, Yariv Nielsen, Christian Caniato, Federico Schmenner, Roger W. Adeyemi, Oluseyi Kilduff, Martin All co-authors business management model risk innovationsmanagement innovation role process product development manufacturing industrie new appetite qualitätsmanagement geschäftsmodell creativity
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Harry Boer Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: H. Boer B: 1955 Biblio: Department of Business and Management, Center for Industrial Production, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Aarhus University
Profession Economist
Affiliations Budapesti Közgazdaságtudományi és Államigazgatási Egyetem Aalborg Universitet Universiteit Twente Aarhus Universitet
Publishing years Series Routledge studies in innovation, organizations and technology (2)