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Fehr, Ernst Fehr-Duda, Helga Senn, Julien Bruhin, Adrian Brenøe, Anne Ardila Schubert, Renate Rasmussen, Gregers Nytoft Kreiner, Claus Thustrup Dreyer Lassen, David Leth-Petersen, Søren Burghart, Dan Henkel, Aljosha Leth‐Petersen, Søren Brenøe, Anne Sennt, Julien Andreoni, James Sprenger, Charles All co-authors preferences individuals inequality population support time altruistic redistributive experiment policies distribution averse regarding ambiguity behavior probability types
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Thomas Epper Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: Thomas F. Epper Biblio: Risk Center on Risk and Uncertainty ; IÉSEG School of Management, CNRS, UMR 9221, Lille
Profession Economist
Affiliations LEM (Körperschaft) Centre national de la recherche scientifique Forschungsgemeinschaft für Nationalökonomie Københavns Universitet. Center for Economic Behavior & Inequality Universität Zürich. Institut für Volkswirtschaftslehre
Publishing years Series Working paper series / University of Zurich, Department of Economics (9) Discussion paper / Universität Sankt Gallen, School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Economics (5) URPP Equality of Opportunity discussion paper series (4) Discussion paper series / IZA (4) CESifo working papers (4) Working paper / Institute for Empirical Research in Economics, University of Zürich (4) Working paper (3) IZA Discussion Paper (2) CEBI working paper series : working paper (2) Working Paper (2) CESifo Working Paper (1) University of Zurich, Department of Economics, Working Paper (1) University of Zurich Department of Economics Working Paper (1) Institute for Empirical Research in Economics University of Zurich Working Paper (1) University of Zurich, Institute for Empirical Research in Economics Working Paper (1)