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All co-authors citizenship labour markets rights spain state while spanien inmigración tiempos covid migration malaysia regulation confronted double paradox require policy open borders fulfill demands migrant workers boundaries impose degree closure outside second exclusivity requires closed membership civil human undermine capacity exclude foreigners country considering responded demand foreign book analyses identified trilemma einwanderung immigration epidemie epidemic coronavirus lateinamerika arbeitsmigranten einwanderungsrecht migrationspolitik arbeitnehmer
Composed terms labour migration malaysia spain markets citizenship citizenship rights inmigración tiempos tiempos covid covid labour migration malaysia spain markets rights state state regulation regulation labour migration confronted confronted double double paradox paradox while while markets markets require require policy policy open open borders borders fulfill fulfill demands demands migrant migrant workers workers boundaries boundaries citizenship citizenship impose impose degree degree closure closure outside outside second second while while exclusivity exclusivity citizenship citizenship requires requires closed closed membership membership civil civil human human rights rights undermine undermine state state capacity capacity exclude exclude foreigners foreigners country country considering considering malaysia spain responded responded demand demand foreign foreign labour labour book book analyses analyses identified identified trilemma trilemma markets rights latin america immigration law immigration policy
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1 record from EconBiz based on author Name Berger, Stefan ;
Croll, Andy ;
LaPorte, Norman ;
2005 Type:
Bibliografie; Bibliographie; Abstract ; Bücherverzeichnis; Literaturdokumentation ; Literaturverzeichnis; Publikationen ; Repertorium ; Werke ; Bibliografien; Bibliographien; Bibliography; Sammelwerk; Collection of articles of several authors; Load More
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas Alternative spellings: Blanca Garcés Mascareñas Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas Blanca Garcés Mascareñas Biblio: 2021 Senior Research Fellow in the area of Migrations and Research Coordinator at CIDOB (Barcelona Centre for International Affairs)
Profession Soziologin
Affiliations Centro de Información y Documentación Internacionales (Barcelona) Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Department de Ciéncies Politiques i Socials
Publishing years Series Anuario CIDOB de la inmigración (1) IMISCOE research (1)