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Goods, Caleb Wright, Chris F. Seu, Irene Bruna Stilwell, Frank J. B. Walker, Michael Rainnie, Al Halevi, Joseph Friel, Sharon Clibborn, Stephen Van Barneveld, Kristin Junankar, Pramod N. Chowdhury, Anis Baum, Fran Junor, Anne Kriesler, Peter Quinlan, Michael Orgad, Shani All co-authors arbeitsbeziehungen climate change industrial relations use labour gig work outsourcing klimawandel gender arbeitsbedingungen invisibility landscapes intersubjective recognition experienced cleaners australian schools reflections emerging field special issue covid pandemic lessons building
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Frances Flanagan Dr. B: 1977 Perth (Western Australia)
Profession Historikerin
Affiliations United Voice Sydney Environment Institute Birkbeck College
Publishing years Series The journal of industrial relations (1)