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Ellersgaard, Christoph Buch-Hansen, Hubert Lunding, Jacob Aagaard Henriksen, Lasse Folke Sivertsen, Morten Fischer Christensen, Anne Nørgaard Ellersgaard, Chrisoph Lund, Joachim Campbell, John L. Pedersen, Ove Kaj All co-authors chemical competition power elite networks unternehmensnetzwerk elites scandinavia sozialkapital dänemark denmark nordeuropa macht brothers evolution board interlock network german industry protégés patrimonialism mobility narratives danish corporate ancestry dynasties patri lineages chairman executive inner circle revisited case egalitarian society cbs magten kortlægning netværk indflydelseskanaler banks chemieindustrie wettbewerb leadership netzwerk class sozialstaat wirtschaftshochschule
Composed terms social capital soziales netzwerk social network chemical industry business network corporate governance social networks northern europe welfare state chemical brothers brothers competition competition evolution evolution board board interlock interlock network network german german chemical industry protégés protégés power power patrimonialism patrimonialism mobility mobility narratives narratives danish danish power power elite elite networks networks corporate corporate ancestry ancestry dynasties dynasties patri patri lineages lineages chairman chairman executive executive networks networks inner inner circle circle revisited revisited case case egalitarian egalitarian society society cbs cbs og og magten magten kortlægning kortlægning af af netværk netværk og og indflydelseskanaler indflydelseskanaler corporate networks narrative methode narrative method soziale schicht social class handelshøjskolen i københavn economics department wirtschaftliche macht economic power 1917 2017
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Anton Grau Larsen Alternative spellings: Anton Grau Larsen B: 1983 Biblio: Sociologer og ph.d. ved Københavns Universitet
Profession Soziologe
Affiliations Roskilde Universitet Handelshøjskolen i København Københavns Universitet