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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Stefano Fiorin Place of Activity: Los Angeles, Calif.
Profession Economist
Affiliations Università commerciale Luigi Bocconi Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research (Mailand) University of California, San Diego John E. Anderson Graduate School of Management
Publishing years Series Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (4) Discussion papers / CEPR (4) NBER Working Paper (3) Working papers / Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research (2) NBER working paper series (2) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (2) Policy Research Working Paper (2) Policy research working paper : WPS (2) World Bank E-Library Archive (2) CESifo Working Paper (1) BREAD working paper (1) CESifo working papers (1) Working papers / Harvard Business School, Division of Research (1) Warwick economic research papers (1) Working paper series : working paper (1)