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Florian Kohlbacher
Biblio: The Economicst Intelligence Unit, Economist Corporate Network, North Asia, the Economist Group, Tokyo, Japan ; Dr. Florian Kohlbacher is Associate Professor of Marketing and Innovation and Co-Director, MRes Management Programme at the International Business School Suzhou (IBSS) and Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), China. He holds both a master's degree and a doctorate from the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Vienna). His research focuses on the business implications of demographic change, particularly from a marketing and innovation management perspective. He has presented numerous papers on this topic at marketing, management and gerontology conferences around the globe and his work has been published in books and peer-reviewed journals in these areas as well as featured in the popular media. Florian is a Fellow of the World Demographic & Ageing Forum and an Advisor to the International Mature Marketing Network (IMMN). He co-editor of "The Silver Market Phenomenon: Marketing and Innovation in the Aging Society", 2nd edition 2011, Springer, as well as of the special issue "The Ageing Workforce and HRM - Challenges, Chances, Perspectives", International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management 9(2/3), 2009.