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Witoszek, Nina Finon, Dominique Omland, Terje Burns, Tom R. Magnus, Eivind Svindland, Eirik Mez, Lutz Handeland, Joar Lozano, Josep M. Summerton, Jane Andersen, Svein S. Baumgartner, Thomas Kourula, Arno Nygaard, Arne Noreng, Øystein Katzenstein, Peter J. Køber, Magnus Hagen, Oskar Thomas, Steve Chander, Ishwar Sweet, Susanne Tencati, Antonio Vallentin, Steen Wenstøp, Søren Hegg Gundersen, Mari Gjølberg, Maria Ditlev-Simonsen, Caroline D. Martinelli, Alberto Albareda, Laura Koefoed, Anne Louise Palmås, Karl Morsing, Mette Perrini, Francesco Burns, Tom R. All co-authors nordic norway
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Atle Midttun B: 1952 Biblio: Inst. of Energy Policy, Norwegian School of Management, Sandvika/Oslo
Profession Economist Soziologe
Affiliations Handelshøyskolen BI
Publishing years Series Elsevier global energy policy and economics series (4) Routledge studies in management, organizations and society (3) Discussion papers / Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Internationales Institut für Umwelt und Gesellschaft : IIUG-dp (2) Routledge Studies in Sustainability (1) Routledge studies in sustainability (1) Corporate governance : the international journal for effective board performance (1) Energy policy (1) Forskningsrapport / Handelshøyskolen BI (1) SpringerLink / Bücher (1) Rapport / Senter for Elektrisitetsstudier, Handeshøyskolen BI (1) Transforming economies and societies (1) Arbeidsnotat / Handelshøyskolen BI (1)