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Edelenbos, Jurian Warsen, Rianne Igalla, Malika Kleinhans, Reinout Buuren, Arwin van Verweij, Stefan Gieske, Hanneke Molenveld, Astrid Koppenjan, Johannes Franciscus Maria Klijn, Erik-Hans George, Bert Duijn, Mike Metselaar, Samantha Arts, Jos Busscher, Tim Satheesh, Shreya Anna Clare, Stephen Edelenbros, Jurian All co-authors innovation public community impact boundary spanning infrastructure performance governance initiatives infrastrukturinvestition innovationsmanagement
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Ingmar van Meerkerk Alternative spellings: Ingmar Van Meerkerk Biblio: Postdoctoral researcher, Faculty of Social Sciences, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Profession Sozialwissenschaftler
Affiliations Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Publishing years Series Routledge critical studies in public management (1)