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Rogers, Brian Hofbauer, Josef Balkenborg, Dieter Herold, Florian Hara, Chiaki Huang, James Zhang, Xiannong Heller, Yuval Steg, Jan-Henrik Rodenburger, Daniel Palfrey, Thomas R. Andonie, Costel Fortin, Ines Gauer, Florian Günther, Michael Greinecker, Michael Diehl, Christoph Farrell, Joseph Maskin, Eric Külpmann, Philipp Gossner, Olivier Salomon, Antoine Kohlgruber, Philipp Welbergen, Nikoleta van Riedel, Frank Hellmann, Tim Garashli, Elshan Rogers, Brian W. Alós-Ferrer, Carlos Rogers, Brian Bhaskar, V. All co-authors games best set spieltheorie reply correspondence equilibria preferences equilibrium stable refined game play based dynamics strategy strategies experiment private symmetric players values generalized risikoaversion aversion repeated distribution form tail mixed renegotiation evolutionary uncertainty good choice dependence nash public player asymptotically masf independent choices normal class problem pure proof pareto positive individuals while negotiations study structure euol erwartungsnutzen verhandlungen provision mechanisms response rational risk efficient optimal feasible preference small opponent threshold test payoffs risiko complete communication non dominant balanced budget evolutionarily post consumer condition provide expected upper allows different sets defined inclusion face correspondences point wise persistent acts relation profiles kommunikation entscheidungstheorie robust cheap talk coordination quality market measures cautiousness compatible individually representative sharing focal points large stability selection spectral use zero mechanism joint asymmetric rules epir mis
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Christoph Kuzmics Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: C. Kuzmics
Profession Economist
Affiliations Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz Universität Bielefeld. Institut für Mathematische Wirtschaftsforschung Kellogg School of Management University of Cambridge
Publishing years Series Graz economics papers : GEP (15) Working papers / Universität Bielefeld, Center for Mathematical Economics (IMW) (13) BERG working paper series (2) PIE discussion paper series / Project on Intergenerational Equity, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University (2) IHS economics series : working paper (2) Série des documents de travail (1) Discussion paper / Center for Mathematical Studies in Economics and Management Science, Northwestern University (1) Department of Economics discussion papers (1) Cambridge working papers in economics (1) Reihe Ökonomie (1)