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Wickert, Christopher Vigneau, Laurence Bohn, Stephan Ramus, Tommaso Marti, Emilio Schlindwein, Eva Fischer, Manuel Foord, Daniel Frecè, Jan Hillebrand, Kirsten Kissling-Näf, Ingrid Meili, Rahel Peskova, Marie Schmidpeter, René Stucki, Tobias All co-authors social corporate responsibility business sustainable institutionenökonomik institutional firms book concept offers new management environmental research values managers perspective development future concepts economy businesses element different activities unternehmenskultur based bringing coordinated enactment organizational departments work implement csr illuminating dark framework esg kombinieren engagement nachhaltigkeit realitätscheck managing challenges century reconsidering symmetry institutionalization professionalization case implementation large empirical conceptual consideration open access compact guide central discussions humanity planet earth provides basic terminology insights paradigm integrates dimensions models strategies operations donut circular innovation leadership introduced outlines influence way run today lays foundation thinking academia making essential reader professionals students alike
Composed terms corporate social responsibility corporate social social responsibility institutional economics sustainable business social environmental research corporate new management corporate social responsibility csr corporate culture institutional based based research responsibility bringing bringing values values coordinated coordinated enactment enactment organizational organizational departments departments work work implement implement csr csr illuminating illuminating dark dark values values framework framework institutional institutional research responsibility esg esg kombinieren kombinieren engagement engagement nachhaltigkeit nachhaltigkeit realitätscheck realitätscheck sustainable business managing managing challenges challenges st st century century corporate responsibility corporate responsibility reconsidering reconsidering symmetry symmetry institutionalization institutionalization professionalization professionalization case case corporate responsibility managers managers institutional institutional perspective perspective implementation implementation corporate responsibility large large firms firms empirical empirical conceptual conceptual consideration consideration open open access access book book compact compact guide guide development development sustainable business central central concept concept discussions discussions future future development development humanity planet earth provides basic business offers way run future book csr csr csr entered csr come engage csr csr offers risi step step csr readers reflect reflect csr concept
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David Risi Dr. B: 1985 Biblio: Dissertation Univ. St. Gallen, 2016Place of Activity: Sankt Gallen
Profession Economist
Affiliations Berner Fachhochschule Universität St. Gallen University of Oxford
Publishing years Series SpringerBriefs in Business (1) Cambridge elements. Elements in business strategy, 2515-0693 (1) Elements in business strategy (1)