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Ploeg, Frederick van der Ours, Jan C. van Waterson, Michael Peitz, Martin Bijl, Paul de Smith, Peter M. Bernardt, Yvonne Van Cayseele, Patrick Lerais, Frédéric Vollaard, Ben A. Janssen, Maarten C. W. Bartelsman, Eric J. Renes, Gusta Bork, Gerbrand van Hindriks, Frank A. Riyanto, Yohanes Eko Bennett, Matthew Weddepohl, Claus Katona, Katalin Appelman, Marja Onderstal, Sander Pomp, Marc Damme, Eric E. C. van Rey, Patrick Lijn, Nicolaas Jaan van der Bas, Patrick de Waagmeester, Danie͏̈l Nahuis, Richard Schokkaert, Erik Sochacki, Myriam Hubert, Agnès Horvath, Anna Venniker, Richard Johannes Gerardus All co-authors niederlande netherlands books van competition oligopol oligopoly wettbewerb book buch preisbindung economics policy market differentiation price buchverlag internet european dutch bij policies triangle bertrand monopoly stage monopol produktgestaltung produktqualität preistheorie public making impact model europe markt analyse een harmonise telecommunications edgeworth duopoly tendering auctions preparation costs natural differential pricing simultaneous setting given retail reading countries government wohlfahrtsanalyse wirkungsanalyse kulturpolitik wettbewerbspolitik telekommunikationspolitik preiswettbewerb telekommunikation duopol wettbewerbstheorie auktionstheorie welfare standards hospital mergers post enlargement migration perception union health care germans applying capability approach assessment proposal organ donation
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Marcel Canoy Alternative spellings: Marcel F. M. Canoy Marcel Franciscus Canoy M. Canoy B: 1963 Biblio: Tätig bei ECORYS, Rotterdam, Netherlands; tätig im CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, Den Haag; Inst. of Actuarial Sciences and Econometrics, Univ. of Amsterdam ; Tilburg Law and Economics (TILEC), Univ. of Tilburg
Profession Economist
Affiliations Niederlande. Centraal Planbureau Tinbergen Institute
Publishing years Series CPB document (7) Financial economics working paper (2) Centre d'Etudes Prospectives d'Economie Mathématique Appliquées à la Planification : CEPREMAP (2) CESifo working papers (1) Occasional paper / Liberales Institut, Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit (1) Discussion paper / Center for Economic Research, Tilburg University (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (1) Werkdocument / Centraal Planbureau (1) A discusión : trabajos en curso ; working papers (1) Discussion paper / A (1) Tinbergen Institute research series (1) Discussion papers in industrial economics / E (1)