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Maertens, Miet Delgado, Luciana Torero, Máximo Lambrecht, Isabel Asare, Sarah Pelleriaux, Laura Vranken, Liesbet Fabry, Anna Gamboa, Cindybell Schrevens, Eddie Schwarz, Jana Annaert, Bernd Mathijs, Erik Curzi, Daniele Olper, Alessandro Vranken, Liesbet All co-authors peru evidence peruvian standards agroindustrie exportwirtschaft food lebensmittel lieferkette gender private agriculture horticultural sector landwirtschaft ernährungsindustrie sozialstandards gartenbau horticulture losses analysis years data job want preferences chains export new
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Monica Schuster
Affiliations Universiteit Antwerpen Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Publishing years Series Bioeconomics working paper series (5) IFPRI discussion paper (2) IFPRI Discussion Paper (1) IOB working papers (1)