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Marinescu, Ioana Taska, Bledi Steinbaum, Marshall Alekseeva, Liudmila Vives, Xavier Wachter, Till von Huet-Vaughn, Emiliano Schmalz, Martin C. Samila, Sampsa Giné, Mireia Tecu, Isabel Tzanaki, Anna Duro, Miguel Kadach, Igor Ormazabal, Gaizka Qiu, Yue Sojourner, Aaron Raina, Sahil Keller, Klaus Chugunova, Marina Antón, Miguel Lin, Luca X. Barriola, Xabier All co-authors market labor concentration markets common firms wage concentrated minimum using arbeitsmarkt power data effects variation highly shares increase evidence economy eigentümerstruktur average hhi fintech effect increases monopsony index online product oligopsony firm share panel policy empirical positive changes price local unternehmenskonzentration marginal higher dgs relative occupation employers explanation wettbewerbspolitik demand competitive equilibrium oligopoly literature job workers provide paper calculate doj ftc guidelines dominate percentile arbeitsmarkttheorie oligopol industry big macroeconomic productivity according fact correlated where sectors sector near monopson mindestlohn marktmacht beschäftigungseffekt emissions vacancy arises large vacancies non technologies model commuting documented correlation placebo negatively actually associated employee earnings leads zero supporting low significantly estimated suggesting
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José Azar Dr.
Profession Economist
Affiliations Universidad de Navarra Centre for Economic Policy Research IESE Business School
Publishing years Series Discussion papers / CEPR (4) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (3) NBER Working Paper (3) CESifo working papers (2) IZA Discussion Paper (2) Discussion paper series / IZA (2) Discussion paper series (1) MSI discussion paper (1) Discussion paper (1) New working paper series (1) CESifo Working Paper (1) European Corporate Governance Institute – Finance Working Paper (1) Upjohn Institute working papers (1) NBER working paper series (1) CESifo Working Paper Series (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (1)