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Fontagné, Lionel Orefice, Gianluca Reshef, Ariell Ruta, Michele Rapoport, Hillel Mayda, Anna Maria De Benedictis, Luca Bratti, Massimiliano Vannelli, Giulio Rocha, Nadia Lebrand, Mathilde Murray, Siobhan Belotti, Federico Di Porto, Edoardo Orefice, Gianluca Giovannetti, Giorgia Vicard, Vincent Mayer, Thierry Perego, Erica Manzocchi, Stefano Quintieri, Beniamino All co-authors trade integration skilled labor immigrant agreements gvc shares value increase global firms level foreign effect countries gvcs manufacturing intensive workers specialization rtas paper percent while economic immigration forward einwanderung diversity capital african share flows chains impact firm mechanism using channel arbeitsmigranten deepening task equilibrium geography robotization increased results migrants number wertschöpfung globalisierung globalization gravitationsmodell migranten regional evidence productivity upstream greater production promote
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Gianluca Santoni
Profession Economist
Affiliations Centre d'Études Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales
Publishing years Series Working paper (12) CESifo working papers (6) CESifo Working Paper (4) IZA Discussion Paper (3) Discussion paper series / IZA (3) Policy Research Working Papers (1) World Bank Economic Review (1) Banque de France Working Paper (1) Document de travail / DIAL, Développement, Institutions & Mondialisation, UMR 225, IRD - Paris-Dauphine : DT (1) Discussion papers / CEPR (1) CESifo Working Paper Series (1) JRC working papers in economics and finance (1)