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McKenna, Russell Fichtner, Wolf Kleinebrahm, Max Sörensen, Kenneth Mainzer, Kai Mulalic, Ismir San Segundo, Pablo Herbes, Carsten Braun, Lorenz Karner, Katharina Moat, Helen Susannah Preis, Tobias Petrovic, Stefan Jacob, Rhys Scheller, Fabian Ried, Sabrina Hoffmann, Maximilian Rehfeldt, Daniel Markus Syranidou, Chloi Pedersen, Jaap San Segundo, Pablo Müller, Michael Stolten, Detlef Linßen, Jochen Franz McKenna, Russell All co-authors energy municipalities systems heating renewable district studies potential storage future cost heuristic german autonomous wind autonomy supply geothermal plants study total analysis local biogas number order research optimization large optimisation cluster decentralised technologies batteries germany case feasible municipal model methods respectively thermal electricity onshore regression modelling excess residential network employed payback period mtco energies trends combinatorial efficient scale analyses grid design based sources coupled hydrogen carnot using
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Jann Michael Weinand Dr.-Ing. Alternative spellings: Jann Weinand Jann M. Weinand
Profession Wirtschaftsingenieur
Affiliations Institut für Energie- und Klimaforschung (Jülich) Karlsruher Institut für Technologie. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Publishing years Series Working paper series in production and energy (6)